⭐️ a topic of conversation - suhbat mavzusi
✅ Her favourite topic of conversation is herself.
⭐️ a topic of discussion/debate - muhokama/bahs mavzusi
✅ The issue is a topic of great debate in the record industry.
⭐️ the main topic - asosiy mavzu
✅ The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure.
⭐️ an important topic - muhim/kerakli mavzu
✅ The legal team will discuss a number of important topics.
⭐️ a hot topic - qizg'in, dolzarb mavzu
✅Gangs and drugs are the hot topics in this district.
✊ t.me/Best_Vocabulary1 ✅
⭐️ a topic of conversation - suhbat mavzusi
✅ Her favourite topic of conversation is herself.
⭐️ a topic of discussion/debate - muhokama/bahs mavzusi
✅ The issue is a topic of great debate in the record industry.
⭐️ the main topic - asosiy mavzu
✅ The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure.
⭐️ an important topic - muhim/kerakli mavzu
✅ The legal team will discuss a number of important topics.
⭐️ a hot topic - qizg'in, dolzarb mavzu
✅Gangs and drugs are the hot topics in this district.
✊ t.me/Best_Vocabulary1 ✅