Lingua school

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Everybody wants to have fun. Life would be so boring if fun was taken away. There are so many things you can do for fun. The best thing, I think, is simply to be with your friends. You’ll always have a fun time with them. I can’t remember the most fun I’ve ever had. I had loads of fun times when I was a kid. It seemed as though life was all fun, except for homework. But university was also a lot of fun. I’d love to do all that again. I’m not sure if I’d call working fun. There’s not much fun in sitting at a desk and trying to please your boss. Weekends are fun though. I always try to have as much fun as I can at the weekend. Having fun is the best way to relieve the stress that builds up during the week.

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Lingua school qizlar maktabi

If I could, I’d never go to another funeral again. No one likes funerals, of course, but for me, they make me so sad. I can’t stop crying. Quite often I’m the only person crying. Everything about a funeral makes me cry. When I open the invitation, tears well up in my eyes. When I see the funeral procession drive by, I start. The actual ceremony is almost unbearable. I have never learnt to control my sobs. If you hear someone sniffing non –stop, that’s me. The music at funerals is unnecessarily sad. I’ve told my friends I want salsa music at my funeral. And I don’t want people to wear black. I also hope the party after the funeral isn’t a sad occasion. People should laugh and remember the funny times.

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Lingua school qizlar maktabi

Assalamu alaykum hammaga.

Man asosiy o’qituvchingiz Marjonaman. Ba’zi sabablarga ko’ra, 3-4 oy sizlarga Habiba ustozlariz jonli darslarni o’tib beradi.

Darslarda faol bo’ling!

InshaaAlloh, tezroq qaytishga harakat qilaman❤️

Bugungi dars recording'i

Dars qale bo'ldi?

Paxta time😁




10 daqiqa?

Tushunarli bo'ldimi





I am not going to go swimming next week

Tushunarli bo'ldimi


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