🇺🇿kishan, qo'lkishan
1. The police officer put the handcuffs on the suspect.
Politsiyachi gumondorga qo'l kandalanglarini taqdi.
2. He struggled to break free from the handcuffs, but it was impossible.
U qo'l kandalanglaridan qutilishga harakat qildi, lekin bu mumkin emas edi.
3. The detective carried a pair of handcuffs in his bag.
Tergovchi sumkasida bir juft qo'l kandalangini olib yurardi.
4. The guard unlocked the handcuffs and let the prisoner go.
Qo'riqchi qo'l kandalangini ochdi va mahbusni qo'yib yubordi.
5. The thief was caught and immediately put in handcuffs.
O'g'ri ushlanib, darhol qo'l kandalanglari taqildi.
🇺🇿kishan, qo'lkishan
1. The police officer put the handcuffs on the suspect.
Politsiyachi gumondorga qo'l kandalanglarini taqdi.
2. He struggled to break free from the handcuffs, but it was impossible.
U qo'l kandalanglaridan qutilishga harakat qildi, lekin bu mumkin emas edi.
3. The detective carried a pair of handcuffs in his bag.
Tergovchi sumkasida bir juft qo'l kandalangini olib yurardi.
4. The guard unlocked the handcuffs and let the prisoner go.
Qo'riqchi qo'l kandalangini ochdi va mahbusni qo'yib yubordi.
5. The thief was caught and immediately put in handcuffs.
O'g'ri ushlanib, darhol qo'l kandalanglari taqildi.