How do you define a true friend?
- Minimum judgement
- Understanding
- Being able to joke and take jokes
- Distance doesn’t matter
Qolganini eslolmadim
O'zbekistonga qachon qaytas?
Pul orttirishim bilan.
Bitch how is life
My life or what? Specify please.
Did you find gf from warsaw?
Oʻzi bir kunga birrovga borib kelgan boʻlsam bunaqa qobiliyatim yoʻq meni😂
You know what
- Minimum judgement
- Understanding
- Being able to joke and take jokes
- Distance doesn’t matter
Qolganini eslolmadim
O'zbekistonga qachon qaytas?
Pul orttirishim bilan.
Bitch how is life
My life or what? Specify please.
Did you find gf from warsaw?
Oʻzi bir kunga birrovga borib kelgan boʻlsam bunaqa qobiliyatim yoʻq meni😂
You know what