🇺🇿 Asadbek Ruziev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Agreed. Sometimes we might forget how blessed we are until we get a moment to reflect.

Ramadan Mubarak 🌙

Репост из: Bobirjon's Blog | IELTS 9 | SAT 1600
This month is not only about "not eating". Its about restoring your faith. Lowering your gaze. Staying productive. One thing I realized is I have everything. My parents, I have the privilege of studying at a good university. However, I am sometimes ungrateful wanting more. But, sometimes I need to relax take it slow and be thankful to all I have. There is a saying you have 99 problems until you have a health problem then you have 1 problem. Lets take this month to be productive, faithful, and just be better as a person. Ramadan Mubarak to everyone!

Ценности и принципы должны быть выше желаний!

Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
MDHning eng kuchli neyrofiziologi, akademik aytyapti:

Ko’rgan narsangiz miyangizda qoladi. Umringiz oxirigacha turadi. O’lgandan keyin ham saqlanadi.

Bu degani: foydali narsa o’qisak, unutsak ham foyda olamiz.

Bema’ni narsa ko’rsak, unutsak ham zarar beradi. Chiqib ham ketmaydi.

Sumkamizga tushgan narsa qaytib chiqmasligini bilsak, o’ylab narsa solgan bo’lardik.

Tanishgan odamimiz bilan do’st bo’lishga majburlansak, hamma bilan ham tanishmasdik.

Balki kontentni tanlash payti ham kelgandir. Atrofdagilarni ham.

Bema’ni narsa ko’rgan ko’z, balki hech narsa ko’rmagani yaxshi.

Chunki qulog’i va nazarini saqlagan, miyasini saqlabdi.

Life is fragile, unpredictable, and precious. Cherish every moment, express your love, and be grateful—for even in our darkest trials, there is a chance for renewal.

It really freaks me out that with all the development in aerospace engineering, MH 370 is still greatest aviation mystery ✈️ It’s probably a wound that remains open in the hearts of those who LITERALLY LOST their loved ones somewhere in the Indian ocean🫣 and almost 11 years after, the cause is still unknown. It’s one of those mysteries that might haunt aviation history forever.

The illusion of personal freedom and choice.

We live in the world, where many proudly declare themselves NOT doing something, like not drinking, smoking, not doing drugs, or abstaining from other things. In the past, it is told that there were less distractions and development was not like now. While the world has indeed progressed in many ways, it's still progressing with more and more danger. Society influences distracting more and more people to make bad choices affecting rest of life. This is especially common in developed countries. There is simply too much freedom to young generation.

Just because we can does not mean we should!

Making it safe to the destination is truly a huge blessing.

Focus on what truly matters.

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Tepada ko'rsatgan uylar esa desert village deb ataladi va south, west, north desert village, ya'ne cho'l qishlog'i🏜😂

South desert village ni artofi esa ham ifloslangan, ham arxeologik joy bo'lganligi uchun xam 2021-yil yashashga yaroqli bo'lmay qolgan. Kontaminatsiya xarbiy bazani otishma poligonidan va chiqindixonasidan qolib ketgan lead, asbest va balkim samolyot yoqilg'isi sabab bor. Buni oldina oilishga 6 dyuymli tuproq qopqog' qo'yishgan. Uylar buzilishni boshlab, asbest havoga chiqib ketgan, shekilli. South Desrt village artofida native American arxeologik artifact'lar xam bor. Talabalar south desert village'da oilaviy turishi xam mumkin edi.

Umuman olganda, Arizona va ASU tarixi juda qiziqarli men uchun. O'tgan yili samolyotlar qabriga😅 borgan edim va ko'p urushlarda qatnashgan samolyotlarni ko'rgan edim, bu yil esa universitet tarixi haqida chuqurroq o'rganinshni boshladim.


Williams Air Force Base uchuvchilar xarbiy bazasi shu yerni 1941-1996 yillar egallagan edi va ASU bu yerni 1996 yil atiga $1 sotib olgan. Shundan so'ng, ASU Polytechnic campus ochilgan. ASU ni o'zi 1885 yildan beri mavjud.

Arizona Yaponiyaga va boshqa urush zonalariga yaqin edi va uchuvchilar bazasi uchun eng zo'r joylardan edi. Bazada 2 jahon urushi, Korea urushi, Vietnam urushi, Cold War ga va ba boshqa maqsadlar uchun ja'mi 26500 🤯uchuvchilar trening qilishgan ekan. Bundan tashqari, Pokiston, Eron, Turkiya, Janubiy Korea uchuvchilari xam trening o'tashgan ekan😯

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ASU is ranked #1 for innovation, but ASU is also #1 for telling everyone that we are number one🤣

Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it!

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And with that the 2023 season comes to an end.

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