👋Assalamu alaykum hammaga!
Yangi kun, yangi fraza. Hop mayli, bunisi idioma)
✅To feel under the weather - O'zini yaxshi his qimaslik.
➡️ Tell the teacher that I'm not gonna attend the class today because I feel under the weather.
▶️ Ustozga o'zimmi yaxshi his qilmayotganim sababli bugun darsga bormasligimmi aytib qo'y.
➡️ I've been feeling under the weather lately, so I don't think I will post anything this week.
▶️ Oxirgi payt o'zimmi yaxshi his qilmayabman, shuning uchun bu hafta hech narsa post qilmasam kerak. (unaqa bo’lmaydi 😅)
Qani endi Komentariyada o’zingiz uchun kreativ gaplar yozib qoldiring 😉