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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

*IELTS — 7.0 [Writing 7.0]
*SAT — 1500 [Math 790 || English 710]
*TSUE :1/4

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Actually,everybody knows English?
  •   Of course
  •   Not yet😶
8 голосов

I personally was not aware of the meaning of "selfie"
- oʻzchekim👀

Yangi so‘z va iboralar Jamoatchilik.docx
#Ona tilimiz_uchun

Sohalarga oid yangi atamalarni ko'rib chiqing!

Xorijiy atamalarni o‘zbekcha muqobillariga almashtirish bo‘yicha jamoatchilik yuborgan takliflar O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Atamalar komissiyasining ishchi kengashi – O‘zbekiston Fanlar akademiyasi O‘zbek tili, adabiyoti va folklori instituti olimlari tomonidan ko‘rib chiqildi. Ishchi organ taqdim etilayotgan atamalarning milliy muqobillari boʻyicha boshqa fikr va mulohazalarni ham mamnuniyat bilan qabul qiladi va koʻrib chiqadi. Tilimizga befarq bo'lmang!

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Ramadan sayrs be like🙂‍↔️😄


🌙 Ramadan Mubarak,
Brothers and Sisters!
A Month of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Blessings 🌙

As the blessed month of Ramadan begins, we step into a time of purification, reflection, and spiritual growth. This is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, a month where the gates of Jannah are opened, the gates of Jahannam are closed, and the devils are chained.

Allah says in the Qur’an:
“O you who have believed, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon those before you, so that you may attain taqwa (piety).”

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:183)

Let this month be a journey of self-discipline, patience, and increased worship. Let’s strengthen our connection with Allah, seek His forgiveness, and increase our acts of kindness, charity, and prayer.

May this Ramadan be a source of immense barakah for you and your loved ones. May Allah accept our fasts, prayers, and supplications and grant us entry into Jannah.

Ya Allah, allow us to witness this month with full sincerity and grant us the strength to worship You as You deserve. Ameen!

🌙 Ramadan Mubarak! May this month bring peace, blessings, and guidance to us all! 🌙

Coming 💫✨

Rudolph Dreikors:
"If we can prevent ourselves from becoming discouraged, embarrassed, and ashamed, then we can use our inner resources to correct our mistakes, and sometimes the outcome is better than if things had gone well to begin with."

Said Ahmad. Ufq (trilogiya).pdf
Ufq (trilogiya)

✍️ Said Ahmad.
💾 13M
📥 4771

Репост из: Utopia_

🎓 University of Bologna – Key Information 🇮🇹

📍 Founded: 1088 – The oldest university in the world
📍 Location: Bologna, Italy
📍 Ranking: Among the top universities in Europe
📍 Programs: 200+ degree programs, including many in English
📍 International Students: From 140+ countries

📚 Faculties & Programs

✔ Economics & Business
✔ Engineering & Technology
✔ Law & Political Science
✔ Medicine & Health Sciences
✔ Humanities & Social Sciences

💰 Tuition & Scholarships

📌 Tuition: €1,000 – €4,000 per year (varies by program & income)
📌 Scholarships Available:
🔹 Unibo Action 1 & 2 – Tuition waivers & grants
🔹 Italian Government Scholarships – Support for international students

📝 How to Apply?

1️⃣ Find your program:
2️⃣ Prepare documents (transcripts, diploma, language certificate)
3️⃣ Submit application online
4️⃣ Apply for scholarships if eligible

🔗 Useful Links:
📌 Official Website:
📌 Scholarships & Financial Aid:
📌 Admissions Guide:

Yaxshi inson,
I think you know him
Bosvoradigan joyi lekin :)

Репост из: SAT_street
How To Unlearn Racism@sat_street.pdf
Detecting Autism Early@sat_street.pdf
The Risks On The Table@sat_street.pdf
1.How To Unlearn Racism.
Difficulty Level: Advanced
2. Detecting Autism Early.
Difficulty Level: Medium
3. The Risks On The Table.
Difficulty Level: Easy

Always used to think that the universities here in Uzbekistan are not the place to embrace dreams within.
Nope,every single thing is here , for you ,to develop ..
And here, all is up to you; whether to be the one who continues to get the magic without moving for an inch,or to be the one who realises the importance of his steps within this career.
I regret I was the former )

So yess,
Diploma is important if you' feel the process on the way of the journey

1-sho‘ba. Xorijiy tillarnio‘rgatishda innovatsion yondashuv, sun’iy intellekt
imkoniyatlari va kasbiy kompetensiyani takomillashtirish metodlari.
2-sho‘ba. Chet tillarini o‘qitishda global istiqbollar va mahalliy tajribalar
integratsiyasi rolini oshirish.
3-sho‘ba. Kredit-modul tizimida kasbga yo‘naltirilgan xorijiy tillarni o‘qitish
jarayonida kelib chiqadigan muammolar va ularning yechimlari.
4-sho‘ba. Nofilologik oliy ta’lim muassasalari uchun xorijiy tillar bo‘yicha
zamonaviy darsliklar yaratish; muammolar va yechimlar

Wanting to do something related to this term

Any ideas?

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