Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
The bar chart shows how many people worked in various professions in one Australian region from 2001 to 2008. Overall, the number of workers noticeably fell in accounting and farming, while the reverse was true for other types of work. It is also clear that sales attracted far and way the highest number of workers in both years, with farming employing the least.
In detail, sales emerged as the dominant profession in this region, employing over 145 thousand people in 2001. This number increased to nearly 170 thousand in 2008, retaining its leading position. When it comes to accounting and computing, these professions also became more popular over time, despite starting much lower at close to 60 thousand workers. By 2008, the former has seen a significant growth to 80 thosuand while the latter moved upward negliglby.
By contrast, the two remaining jobs fell out of favor. The lowest-ranking agricultrue indsutry registred a marked decline to a chart low of 20 thousand workers in 2008, down from 30 thousand in 2001. The nubmer of accountants also declined, albeit less dramatically, from 60 thousand to 55 thousand.
The bar chart shows how many people worked in various professions in one Australian region from 2001 to 2008. Overall, the number of workers noticeably fell in accounting and farming, while the reverse was true for other types of work. It is also clear that sales attracted far and way the highest number of workers in both years, with farming employing the least.
In detail, sales emerged as the dominant profession in this region, employing over 145 thousand people in 2001. This number increased to nearly 170 thousand in 2008, retaining its leading position. When it comes to accounting and computing, these professions also became more popular over time, despite starting much lower at close to 60 thousand workers. By 2008, the former has seen a significant growth to 80 thosuand while the latter moved upward negliglby.
By contrast, the two remaining jobs fell out of favor. The lowest-ranking agricultrue indsutry registred a marked decline to a chart low of 20 thousand workers in 2008, down from 30 thousand in 2001. The nubmer of accountants also declined, albeit less dramatically, from 60 thousand to 55 thousand.