Tarnado team [IELTS]

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Founder of the Tarnado Team
A person who has took more than 5 international certificates

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Kun eslatmasi

Ulg'ayganim sari, menga mojaroli vaziyatlar, stress va keraksiz odamlarning hayotimda bo'lmasligini xohlayapman.

Men uchun shinam uy, ishonchli va kichkina doiradagi insonlarning borligi, aqlim sofligi va qalbim xotirjamligi muhimroq.

Tomorrow will be important 😁

The day that i saw her first time!
5 years ❄️


Репост из: Achieve IELTS Goals🍃
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Happy 40 th birthday🎂

Follow for more 🔽

Zerikib ketganlar uchun😁

Mana MCHQ savol turi uchun super lesson

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Dars mundarijasi:

◾️Reading MCQ: 0:00 - 18:44 (Shoxrux O.)

◾️Listening MCQ: 18:45 - 34:14 (Abdurazzoq A.)

Videoni maksimal qisqa va ma’lumotga boy qilishga harakat qildik. Hamma o’rgatkanlarimizni qilsangiz, bir nechta practice testning o’zidayoq o’zgarishni sezasiz!

❌Darslik 48 soatdan keyin o’chirib yuboriladi.

Shu sabab, “note”lar olib videoni ko’ring, va o’rganganlaringizni kommentda albatta qoldiring. Har birini o’qib hursand bo’lamiz👇

Sharing is Caring 🙂

Follow for more 🔽

Репост из: 𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗦 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗞𝗢
[@ielts_mirkoo] REAL EXAM 2025.pdf

➡️A survivor's story
➡️Ideal Homes

➡️High_quality | #With_Answers
😎@ielts_mirkoo | #share_it➡️

Репост из: 𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗦 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗞𝗢
[@ielts_mirkoo] REAL EXAM 2025.pdf

➡️A survivor's story
➡️Ideal Homes

➡️High_quality | #With_Answers
😎@ielts_mirkoo | #share_it➡️

Репост из: Jasurbek’s blog
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Смотреть в Telegram
Real Exam Reading Passage 1 - HD formatta yozilgan qotmaydi + 100% o'zbek tiliga tarjima⭐️

🔔 Skills Covered
- True/False/Not Given
- Sentence Completion

➡️ Barcha tekstni tarjima qilib, tushuntirib chiqilgan.
Saved messages'da chirisa rozi emasman 🗿

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Assalomu alaykum
Bugun kanlimdagi asosiy postni yozyapman:

Har qanday narsa koʻringanidek oson yoki imkonsiz emas! Bu aniq shuning uchun ruhiyatingiz baland qiling. Lekin har qanday ishni oʻrganishda qiyinchiliklar boʻladi, xato koʻp bor oʻxshamasligi mumkin.
Qisqa aytganda har qanday holatga tayyor boʻling!

Hammaga rahmat!

Men qilmadim



Task1 uchun joyi kelsa qoʻllab tashlanglar

Репост из: Advance grammar
Common phrases to see are "the proportion of" or " the percentage of". However, yo can also use other words and fractions. These are some:

⭐️ A large number of people
⭐️ Over a quarter of people
⭐️A small minority
⭐️A significant number of people
⭐️ Less than a fifth

Percentage fraction
⚡️80%= four-fifths
⚡️75% = three - quarters
⚡️ 70% = seven in ten
⚡️65%= two - thirds
⚡️ 60%= three - fifths
⚡️55%= more than half
⚡️50%= half
⚡️ 45%= more than two fifths ⚡️40%= two - fifths
⚡️35%= more than a third
⚡️30%= less than a third
⚡️25%= a quarter
⚡️20%= a fifth
⚡️ 15%= less than a fifth
⚡️10%= one in ten
⚡️5%= one in twenty

💥77%= just over three quarters
💥 77%= approximately three quarters
💥49 %= just under a half
💥49%= nearly a half
💥 32%= almost a third
💥 75% - 85% = a very large proportion
💥65% - 75%= a significant proportion
💥 10%-15% = a minority
💥 5%= a very small number

Показано 20 последних публикаций.