#java #important
- Naming convention & Variables & Operators & Primitives
- Type casting & Reference types & var
- boolean expressions & Equality Strings and objects using == and equals
- if/else & ternary & switch
- Loops
- Garbage collection
- One-Multi-dimensional & Reference
- Class Arrays
- Definition & Class & Constructors & This keywords & dynamic blocks
- Access modifiers & Encapsulation & Packages
- Methods and var-arg methods & Overloading and static polymorphism
- Static keywords: methods & fields & static blocks
- Class Enum
- Nested, inner & anonymous classes
- Generic classes & methods
- Inheritance Definition & super & class casting
- Overrides methods & dynamic polymorphism
- Abstract classes & Interfaces
- final & final classes & methods
- Class Object
- Checked & unchecked exceptions & errors & Custom exceptions
- try-catch-finally & try-with-resources & multi-catch
- Method that throws an exception
- Intermediate operations
- Method references
- Collectors operations: Decomposition, concatenation, reduction, grouping
- Terminal operations
- IntStream, DoubleStream etc.
- Functional Interfaces & Lambda Expressions
- Create and manipulate Strings & Text blocks c
- Classes StringBuilder & StringBuffer
- Read and write console.
- Scanner. Formatter. I\O Streams
- Read and write file data. I\O Streams
- List & Deque. Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Set: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Map: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Collections Base
- Naming convention & Variables & Operators & Primitives
- Type casting & Reference types & var
- boolean expressions & Equality Strings and objects using == and equals
- if/else & ternary & switch
- Loops
- Garbage collection
- One-Multi-dimensional & Reference
- Class Arrays
- Definition & Class & Constructors & This keywords & dynamic blocks
- Access modifiers & Encapsulation & Packages
- Methods and var-arg methods & Overloading and static polymorphism
- Static keywords: methods & fields & static blocks
- Class Enum
- Nested, inner & anonymous classes
- Generic classes & methods
- Inheritance Definition & super & class casting
- Overrides methods & dynamic polymorphism
- Abstract classes & Interfaces
- final & final classes & methods
- Class Object
- Checked & unchecked exceptions & errors & Custom exceptions
- try-catch-finally & try-with-resources & multi-catch
- Method that throws an exception
- Intermediate operations
- Method references
- Collectors operations: Decomposition, concatenation, reduction, grouping
- Terminal operations
- IntStream, DoubleStream etc.
- Functional Interfaces & Lambda Expressions
- Create and manipulate Strings & Text blocks c
- Classes StringBuilder & StringBuffer
- Read and write console.
- Scanner. Formatter. I\O Streams
- Read and write file data. I\O Streams
- List & Deque. Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Set: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Map: Add, remove, update, sort, iteration
- Collections Base