Listen 1 min about: Sleep 😴
Transcript 📝!
Bu podcast ni eshitsangiz juda tezz
uxlab qolasiz 😅😅😅 ✅
Transcript 📝!
Isn’t sleep a waste of time? I think
so. What could we do instead of
sleeping? I know what I could do. I
could read more books, write more e-
mails and watch more movies. My
mind would be full of knowledge and
my friends would be happier. I could
also do more exercise and get fitter. I
hate feeling tired but I wish my body
and brain didn’t need to sleep. It would
be great if there was a pill we could
take instead of sleeping. I actually find
it difficult to fall asleep. I wait for ages
before I become tired. I’m a very light
sleeper. I wake up at the smallest
sound. Not like some of my friends.
They can sleep anywhere and it only
takes them 30 seconds to fall asleep.
They’re gone as soon as their head
hits the pillow.
Bu podcast ni eshitsangiz juda tezz
uxlab qolasiz 😅😅😅 ✅