💡Paradox #7
Ya'ni: "Qancha odam o'zining to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonsa, u shunchalik noto'g'ri bo'lish ehtimoli bor."
🖥Psixologiyada "The Dunning-Krugur effect" degan narsa bor. Ma'nosi shuki, agar bir sohada qanchalik tajribangiz kam bo'lsa, o'sha sohani yaxshi bilishingizda ishonchingiz shuncha baland bo'ladi.
💬 Masalan:
🔗 Bertrand Russell ham: The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts - degan.
😎 @Abrors_Blog
The more a person is convinced they are right, the more likely they are wrong.
Ya'ni: "Qancha odam o'zining to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonsa, u shunchalik noto'g'ri bo'lish ehtimoli bor."
🖥Psixologiyada "The Dunning-Krugur effect" degan narsa bor. Ma'nosi shuki, agar bir sohada qanchalik tajribangiz kam bo'lsa, o'sha sohani yaxshi bilishingizda ishonchingiz shuncha baland bo'ladi.
💬 Masalan:
Sizlarga hali aytmagan edim, lekin yaqinda o'qituvchilikni boshlayapman. Menga bu xuddi osondek ko'rinyapti. Lekin qancha tajribali ustozlar buni qiyin bo'lishini aytgan. Bu degani menda o'sha "effekt" sodir bo'lyapti.
🔗 Bertrand Russell ham: The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts - degan.
😎 @Abrors_Blog