Фильтр публикаций

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to formally complain about my recent purchase (Order #2479), which I bought from your store last Saturday. Unfortunately, the item arrived with defects, and I would like to explain the issue and request a resolution as soon as possible.

I have been working as an English teacher on an online platform called "UNIVERSAL LC" for about six years. As an online educator, having a reliable laptop is essential for conducting lessons effectively. However, the laptop I received has several malfunctions. After using it for a few hours, I noticed it stops functioning for 5–6 hours, which severely disrupts my work and affects my students' preparation for their CEFR exams.

I kindly request a replacement laptop as soon as possible. Given the urgency of my situation, I would appreciate it if you could expedite the process to minimize further inconvenience. My students rely on me to prepare them for their exams, and this issue is significantly impacting my ability to perform my duties.

I hope this matter can be resolved promptly. Please let me know if further information is needed.

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Shuhratbek Solihov

19~20 minutes, 191 words


You recently bought a product online, but it arrived damaged. Write an email to the store manager to:

- Explain what the problem is.

- Say what you would like them to do about it.

- Mention why it is important to solve this issue quickly.

Dear Aziz,

I’m writing to let you know that I’ve moved from my old house in Tashkent to a new flat in Susambil! I’d love for you to visit and join my housewarming party.

My new flat is in the center of Susambil, with lots of public facilities just a short walk away. It’s on the 5th floor of a 9-story building and has three bedrooms with stunning views of the Angel's Fall. The living room is cozy and spacious, perfect for hosting parties and family gatherings.

From my balcony, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the historic Manhattan Square, which is one of the reasons I chose this flat. Oh, and guess what? I’ve set up a big blue screen for playing PS4—our favorite! I’m sure you’ll love it here.

I’ve also got some board games so we can have fun and reminisce about our childhood. I really hope you’ll come to visit soon. Let me know when you’re free, and we’ll plan something exciting!

All the best,

17 minutes, 171 words


You just moved to a new city and want to invite your best friend to visit you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

- describe your new home and its location

- share why you think they would enjoy visiting

- suggest some activities you could do together

Quyida esa Writing Task1 bo'yicha tushish ehtimoli bor deb hisoblagan letter turlarimga mening shaxsiy javoblarimni o'qishingiz mumkin 👇

Ertaga 23-noyabr, Multilevel (CEFR) imtihonining asosiy qismlari bo'yicha test boshlanadi. Kelasi yil talaba bo'laman deb niyat qilgan bu yilgi abituriyentlarning ma'lum bir qismi ham aynan shu imtihon orqali o'zlarining oldiga qo'ygan maqsadlari tomon birinchi jiddiy qadamni tashlaydilar.

Ertangi imtihonning men uchun yana bir ahamiyati shundaki, bu safar unda o'zim ham qatnashaman!

Huddi IELTS kabi, Multilevel (CEFR)da ham meni qiziqtiradigan asosiy bo'limlar bu Reading yoki Listening emas, balki Speaking va, ayniqsa, Writing dir.

Agar orangizda ham huddi men kabi ertaga imtihonga kiruvchilar bo'lsa, aynan ular uchun bugun va ertaga aynan shu mavzuga oid contentlar ko'proq bo'ladi, maksimum foyda olish uchun aktiv ravishda kuzatib boring.


Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Ingliz tilini bu yil hechqanaqa kitoblarga bo’ysinmay o’qitayapman. To’g’risi mazza qilayapman, sababi meni hechnarsa cheklamayapti. Bolalarga nima bilsam o’rgatayapman, juda ko’p resurslarni kerakli qismlarini o’qitayapman. Hozir bir yangi o’quvchim bor, juda zehni o’tkir 9yoshdalar, ularga bir yilda IELTS 5.5 olib bermoqchiman yahshilab o’qitib. Shu vaqtgacha eng yosh o’quvchim 9-sinf bo’lgan 7.0 qo’lga kiritganlar. Endi esa 9yoshli bola bilan yahshilab ishlab IELTSga tayyorlamoqchiman, Maximum o’qitmoqchiman. Kitob yo’nalish bermasa, tajribam ancha foydali resurs bo’lib berarkane. Ishlab endi mazza qilayapman borku.

Siz nechi yoshda IELTS olmoqchisiz?

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Bir o’quvchim kanal ochgan ekan, javobimga qo’shilganlar bitta🔥

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Bugun biroz mazam yo’q, lekin shogirdim barchasini eplayapti😉

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Hammani bir biriga o’qituvchi qilib qo’ydim, yorvorimmanmi?
Bir o’quvchim siz ertadan dam olsangiz ham bo’ladi deydi😀

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Why do you consistently use a thumbs-up gesture(👍🏻), even when I express something negative or unhappy?😁

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
I believe waking up early and being highly active may have taken a toll on my health. Unfortunately, I am now feeling unwell with a severe sore throat and am on the verge of falling ill.

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Onlineda Siffat baribir zo’rde, 100tadan ortiq yangi so’zlarni so’rab olayapman!

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
I don’t know what will happen next, and that’s why I’m struggling to find the courage to say anything.😅

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Do I appear presentable today? I began my workday at 7:30, and I found this morning’s workout to be quite beneficial.

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
In the morning, I called all my team members to wake them up early and help them avoid the “sleep-in penalty” of buying lunch for the group. We have a challenge: if anyone isn’t up by 6:00 a.m., they owe the team lunch!

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
This morning, I woke up early to fit in some ab exercises. I’ve noticed I’m gaining a bit of weight, so I’ve decided to take serious action to slow down this trend. I also added some push-ups to the routine for a more balanced workout.

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
Сегодня, 15 ноября
☀️ +10°...+3°, Ясно

Репост из: Azizkhon Tairov
According to the forecast, it’s expected to be very cold today. Please dress warmly and take care, dear subscribers.

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