Speculating - Taxmin qilish
Tasavvur qiling, sizga Speaking Part 2'da yuqorida rasmda ko'rsatilgan mavzu tushdi. Siz orzuingizdagi kasb haqida 2 daqiqagacha bo'lgan muddatda gapirishingiz kerak. Ammo siz orzu qilgan kasb o'z ichiga nimalar olishini aniq bilmaysiz. Bu holatda siz taxmin qilishingiz kerak.
Bu gaplarni boshlashda quyidagi birikmalar sizga yordam beradi:
✓ maybe / perhaps ...
Perhaps the job is more difficult than it seems.
✓ It is fairly / quite / very / extremely / (un)likely (that) ...
It is fairly likely I would need more qualifications.
✓ I'd hazard a guess (that) ...
I'm not sure, but I'd hazard a guess that it's not as well paid as being an accountant.
✓ It is quite possible (that) ...
It is quite possible that managers often wish they didn't have so much responsibility,
✓ I imagine / suspect (that) ...
I suspect that I wouldn't find it a very satisfying role.
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Speculating - Taxmin qilish
Tasavvur qiling, sizga Speaking Part 2'da yuqorida rasmda ko'rsatilgan mavzu tushdi. Siz orzuingizdagi kasb haqida 2 daqiqagacha bo'lgan muddatda gapirishingiz kerak. Ammo siz orzu qilgan kasb o'z ichiga nimalar olishini aniq bilmaysiz. Bu holatda siz taxmin qilishingiz kerak.
Bu gaplarni boshlashda quyidagi birikmalar sizga yordam beradi:
✓ maybe / perhaps ...
Perhaps the job is more difficult than it seems.
✓ It is fairly / quite / very / extremely / (un)likely (that) ...
It is fairly likely I would need more qualifications.
✓ I'd hazard a guess (that) ...
I'm not sure, but I'd hazard a guess that it's not as well paid as being an accountant.
✓ It is quite possible (that) ...
It is quite possible that managers often wish they didn't have so much responsibility,
✓ I imagine / suspect (that) ...
I suspect that I wouldn't find it a very satisfying role.
👉🏻IELTS notes✓