The pie charts compare the shares of 5 different reasons behind the migration of people to and from an unspecified European country in the year 2009.
Overall, more foreigners migrated to that country whether for their accompanies & family or definite job while a majority of emigrants left their country for ready work and other reasons. It is also noteworthy that more people emigrated in order to study and look for a job compared to immigrants, whereas the lowest proportion of both immigrants and emigrants visited or left that country without any reasons.
According to the first chart, more individuals in 2009, immigrated to the European country for their family members or partners whose percentage was around 25%. This figure was closely followed by the share of those with a ready job offer (23%), while just 7% of immigrants relocated the country without a specific purpose in that year. Among the immigrant, notably, the proportions of students, job-seekers, and those with other reasons were 15% each, correspondingly.
Conversely, much fewer people moved to another country because of their family, while the rate for the others leaving their country for a certain job was quite higher, the shares of which were 15% and 38%, respectively. Meanwhile, about 13% and 23% of people chose to emigrate for the purpose of finding a new job and other causes, whereas only 7% and 4% of those individuals went abroad to study and no apparent reason.