Movie Review: No One Would Tell This semester, I’m taking a class on domestic violence, and while I’m usually very sensitive to this topic, I often avoid films about it. But assignment required me to watch
No One Would Tell. I didn’t regret watching it. The film left me thinking about how important it is for young people, especially girls, to be educated about abusive relationships early on.
The film is based on a true story. The thing that makes the film so heartbreaking is how many people saw the warning signs; her friends, teachers, and even her mother but either didn’t recognize its seriousness.
The film’s message is clear: abuse often starts small, and if it isn’t addressed, it escalates.
Girls, don’t get trapped into apologies and promises that it would never happen again. People never change. If you someone going through something like that, don’t stay silent, don’t normalize abuse.
Schools often teach about bullying and peer pressure, but discussions about unhealthy relationships are just as critical.
•Controlling you – isn’t love.
•Isolating you from your friends – isn’t love.
•Making you feel guilty for their anger – isn’t love.
•Threatening to leave if you don’t obey – isn’t love.
•Constantly criticizing you – isn’t love.
•Blaming you for their actions – isn’t love.
•Apologizing but never changing – isn’t love.