Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Most Important C1 Vocabulary
Daily Essential Vocabulary Project
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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Bu test sizning xarakteringizni 95% gacha aniqlik bilan aytib beradi.

Rasmda birinchi nimani ko'rdingiz?

Javobni tanlang 👇

"GOOD JOB" deyishning sinonimlari:

➡️1. Well done!

➡️2. Great job!

➡️3. Nice work!

➡️4. Excellent work!

➡️5. Fantastic job!

➡️6. Awesome work!

➡️7. Keep it up!

➡️8. Way to go!

➡️9. Nice going!

➡️10. Bravo! (ko‘proq rasmiy)

Eng ko‘p ishlatiladiganlari "Well done!", "Great job!" va "Nice work!".


Payzulla maneygacha ke.😁😏 Qara
Tom Va Jerry multigidagi so'nggi qismi yuklanibdi. JERRY O'LIB QOPTI? 😳😳😳

Hey 🫵 aka, uka, opa va singillar! Qaravoringlar!🤩😍 ❗️❗️

Qaysi leveldagi inglizcha Multiklarni qidiryapsiz❓
O'zizga keragini tanlang 👇👇👇👇

What do you do in your free time? 🕐

In my free time, I like to do a variety of activities depending on my mood. One of my favorite hobbies is reading because it helps me relax and learn new things at the same time. I especially enjoy reading self-improvement books and novels. Besides that, I sometimes watch documentaries or listen to podcasts about history and science. If I have more time, I go for a walk or meet my friends for a cup of coffee. I believe spending free time wisely is important for personal growth and mental well-being.


🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢

🇬🇧Are you nuts? - Hazillashyapsanmi?

🇬🇧Long story short! - Gapni qisqa qil!

🇬🇧Clear the way! - Yo'lni bo'shat!

🇬🇧No way! - Mumkin emas!

🇬🇧Hang in there! - Taslim bo'lma!

🇬🇧It slipped my mind - Esimdan chiqibdiku

✍️Leave your examples in the comments section....


3.7k 0 107 1 40


➡️Ridiculously excited - juda ham hayajonda
➡️Worry sick - judayam havotirda
➡️Deeply depressed - judayam tushkunlikda
➡️Pleasantly surprised - judayam havotirda
➡️To be as hard as nails - bag'ritosh
➡️Brutally honest - juda ham rostgo'y
➡️Fiercely loyal - juda ham sadoqatli
➡️To have a thicker skin - bezbet bo'lmoq
➡️Mover and shaker  - aktiv va harakatchan


Qizlar uchun juda kerakli ingliz tilidagi phrases to'plami! 😁

To put on make-up - pardoz, makiyaj qilmoq
To wear make-up - pardoz, makiyaj qilib yurmoq

Spray perfume - atir sepmoq
Wear perfume - atir sepib yurmoq

To apply nail polish 💅- tirnoqqa lak surmoq
To wear nail polish - tirnoqqa lak surib yurmoq

It smells great - hidi zo’r ekan
I love the aroma of flowers - gullarning xushbo’y hidini sevaman.


🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢

🚀 Out of this world ➠ ajoyib, hayratlanarli

🚀 As tough as nails ➠ juda kuchli va qattiqqo‘l

🚀 Make great strides ➠ katta yutuqlarga erishmoq

🚀 Rise to fame ➠ mashhurlikka erishmoq

🚀 Give someone a fright ➠ kimnidir qo‘rqitmoq

🚀 Go head-to-head ➠ to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri qarama-qarshi chiqmoq

🚀 Play by the rules ➠ adolatli harakat qilmoq

🚀 A breath of fresh air ➠ yangilik, o‘zgarish

🚀 Cold as ice ➠ juda sovuq yoki hissiz

🚀 See red ➠ juda jahli chiqmoq

Post yoqqan bo'lsa reaksiya bo'sib qo'yamiz qani goooo 🙈


5.7k 0 149 2 75


⭐️ Magnificent ➠ ajoyib

⭐️ Brutal ➠ shafqatsiz

⭐️ Industrious ➠ mehnatkash

⭐️ Reputable ➠ obro‘li

⭐️ Alarm ➠ xavotirga solmoq

⭐️ Defy ➠ qarshilik ko‘rsatmoq

⭐️ Righteous ➠ adolatli

⭐️ Innovative ➠ yangicha

⭐️ Bitterly cold ➠ judayam sovuq

⭐️ Resentful ➠ ranjigan


6.1k 0 160 2 32

"BECAUSE" so‘zining sinonimlari:

1. As – Chunki

2. Since – Sababi

3. Due to the fact that – Shu sababli

4. Owing to the fact that – Shu tufayli

5. For – Chunki (rasmiyroq)

6. Seeing that – Shuni inobatga olsak

7. Given that – Shu holatni hisobga olsak

8. Inasmuch as – Sababi (rasmiy)

9. Considering that – Shuni hisobga olib

10. On account of the fact that – Shu sababli (rasmiy)

Ochishga ochdingiz endi reaksiya bosib keting! 🫥


6.4k 0 224 1 114

In the end va “at the end” ishlatish

Wrong: At the end they reached the city
Right: In the end they reached the city

In the end - nihoyat degan ma’no beradi.
🇬🇧We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end
🇺🇿Bizning mashinamiz bilan ko’p muomolar bo’ldi. Nihoyat Biz uni sotdik.

At the end- oxirida ya’ni biror narsaning oxirida degan ma’no beradi.
➡️At the end of January - Yanvarning oxirida,
➡️At the end of this book - bu kitobning oxirida
➡️At the end of the match - o’yin oxirida


Siz bilmagan yoki ikkilanadigan so'zlardam namuma: 👇

Person — odam
People — odamlar
Persons — odamlar (official documentsda)
Peoples — xalqlar
Fish — baliq(baliqlar)
Fishes — baliq turlari




1. How important is the internet in your daily life?
The internet is crucial for my daily tasks like work, communication, and entertainment. I rely on it for almost everything

2. What do you usually use the internet for?
I use it for work, chatting with friends, streaming movies, and learning through online courses

3. What are the advantages of the internet?
It gives instant access to information, connects people globally, and makes tasks like shopping and banking easier

4. Are there any disadvantages of using the internet?
Privacy concerns and the risk of spending too much time online, which can hurt productivity and relationships

5. How has the internet changed education?
It has made learning more accessible with online courses, resources, and global collaboration


Topic Vocabulary for IELTS WRITING TASK 2.pdf
Topic vocabulary for Ielts Writing task 2


📚Crime and Punishment
📚Outer Space


9k 0 214 12 22

Kelilar sizlar bilan so'z boyligimizni qandayligini bir sinab ko'ramiz.

Ya'ni men so'z aytaman siz oxirgi harfiga so'z aytib davom ettirasiz.

• Qani kettik ➡️ 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑👇

9k 0 7 980 19


Joylashuv va yo'nalishlar
In the middle / centre of – o'rtasida
Behind – orqasida
Between – o'rtasida
Next to / by – yonida
Beside – yonida
In front of – oldida
Opposite – ro'parasida
On the other side – boshqa tomonda
Beyond – narigi tomonida
Across the road – yo'l bo'ylab
Same side – bir xil tomonda
Near – yaqinida
Before you get to – ga yetishdan oldin

Yo'nalish va harakat
Go straight – to'g'riga boring
Straight ahead – oldinga yuring
Turn right – o'ng tomonga buriling
To your right – o'ng tomonga
On the right – o'ngda
Right-hand side – o'ng qo'l tomonda
Turn left – chap tomonga buriling
On the left – chapda
Left-hand side – chap qo'l tomonda
Pass through – kesib o'tmoq
Along – bo'ylab, yoqalab

Ko'cha va joy nomlari
Corner – burchak
Junction / Conjunction – chorraha
Dead end – yo'lning oxiri
First/second turning – birinchi / ikkinchi burilish

Geografik yo'nalishlar
North – shimol
South – janub
East – sharq
West – g'arb
North-west – shimoli-g'arbiy
Southwest – janubi-g'arbiy
Southeast – janubi-sharqiy
To the north / to the south – shimolga / janubga
In the northeast / in the southwest – shimoli-sharqida / janubi-g'arbiy qismida
North side / east side / west side / south side – shimoliy tomoni / sharqiy tomoni / g'arbiy tomoni / janubiy tomoni
Heading east – sharqga yuring
Slightly west of – dan biroz g'arbiy
Just southeast of – faqat janubi-sharqida



🎙 Topic: TOURISM

1. Do you like traveling?
Yes, I love traveling! It gives me the chance to explore new cultures, try different foods, and meet interesting people

2. What kind of places do you like to visit?
I enjoy visiting historical cities and nature spots. I love learning about the history of a place while also appreciating beautiful landscapes

3. Is tourism important in your country?
Yes, tourism is a major industry in my country. Many people visit to experience our rich cultural heritage and natural beauty

4. What are the benefits of tourism?
Tourism helps boost the economy by creating jobs and supporting local businesses. It also promotes cultural exchange and understanding between people from different backgrounds

5. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?
I prefer traveling with others because it’s more fun to share experiences. Plus, it’s great to have company while exploring new places


IELTS Writing uchun 10 ta Advanced Vocabulary:

1. Pivotal – muhim, asosiy
2. Mitigate – yumshatmoq, kamaytirmoq
3. Exacerbate – kuchaytirmoq, yomonlashtirmoq
4. Inevitable – muqarrar
5. Notwithstanding – garchi, shunga qaramay
6. Profound – chuqur, sezilarli
7. Scant – juda kam
8. Shed light on – yoritib berish, tushuntirish
9. Far-reaching – keng qamrovli
10. A double-edged sword – ikki tomonlama ta’sirga ega narsa


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