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🌐 IELTS/CEFR/MULTI-LEVEL va ingliz tili mutaxassisi Abdulloh Rahmatullayev adminligi ostidagi shaxsiy blog!
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B2 / C1 phrases, collocations and idioms

1️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 2️⃣ C1 phrases
Part 3️⃣ C1 phrases
4️⃣ C1 collocations
5️⃣ C1 adjectives
6️⃣ B2 phrases
7️⃣ B1 phrases
Part 8️⃣ Beautiful C1 idioms
Part 9️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 1️⃣0️⃣ Proverbs
Part 1️⃣1️⃣ C1 grammar structures
Part 1️⃣2️⃣ B2 phrases
Part 1️⃣3️⃣ C1 collocations
Part 1️⃣4️⃣ B2 words
Part 1️⃣5️⃣ My favorite idioms

Har birini shaxsan o’zim tayyorlab chiqqanman. Mazza qilib o’rganishiz mumkin.

📝IELTS listening va readingda eng ko'p uchraydigan 40 ta felni to'pladim:

1. to cause
2. to account for
3. to entail
4. to involve
5. to argue
6. to suggest
7. to ensure
8. to impact = to influence = to affect
9. to occur
10. to decline
11. to rely on
12. to assess
13. to distinguish
14. to alter
15. to imply
16. to collaborate
17. to support
18. to obtain
19. to define
20. to collate
21. to reflect
22. to benefit
23. to require
24. to consume
25. to set up = to establish = to ascertain
26. to reduce = to decrease
27. to increase
28. to acknowledge
29. to remain
30. to vary
31. to exist
32. to achieve
33. to contain
34. to determine
35. to prompt
36. to submit
37. to encourage
38. to conduct = to carry out
39. to impose
40. to reveal ♻️@cambridgeIELTSbooks

👆Arzimas mehnatimni baholab qo'yarsiz, undan MATVASA😆 olib yanada harakat qilaman.

👍 1 baho (bosib yurmang😆)
👏 2 baho (bosib yurmang😆)
❤️ 3 baho (bosib yurmang😆)
⚡️ 4 baho (bosib yurmang😆)
🔥 5 baho (shuni bosing 😎 )

8.3k 1 122 8 154

Vocabulary time

📌 Synonymous of Amazing

🔹 Marvellous

🔸 Spectacular

🔹 Incredible

🔸 Unbelievable

🔹 Extraordinary

🔸 Astounding

🔹 Wonderful


♻️ sharing is caring 😉

🤓Kanalga qo'shiling!👇

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IELTS Special Journal 3 - Standard.pdf
IELTS Special Journal 3

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Vocabulary time

💠 Other ways to say “Nice”


️Channel: @TeacherAbdulloh

Idiom time

💠 Be to do something
🇬🇧Meaning: used to show that something will happen in the future 📝Example:👇
🇬🇧We are to visit Australia in the spring.
🇬🇧Meaning: used to say that someone should or must do something:

📝Example: 👇
🇬🇧You are to wait here in this room until I return.
🇬🇧Meaning: Used to say or ask someone should do or what should happen:

🇬🇧He is not to be blamed.
🇬🇧Meaning: Used to ask how something can be done
📝Example:👇How are we to get out of the present mess.

Channel: @TeacherAbdulloh

Topic Vocabulary


🔸Craft piece
🔹Art piece

✅Channel: @TeacherAbdulloh

✅ Useful

Mana haqiqiy inglizlar qanday gaplashishadi🤓

🔸gonna - going to:
(... qilmoxchi bo'lish yoki juda yaqin kelajakda qiladigan ish)
🔹I'm gonna buy this car. - Men bu mashinani sotib olaman.

🔸wanna - want to:
🔹You wanna go? - Borishni xohlaysanmi?

🔸kinda - kind of:
🔹She is kinda serious person. - U jiddiyroq odam.

🔸outta - out of: 
🔹I’m outta money. - Pulim tugadi.

🔸dunno - don’t know: 
🔹I dunno y — Bilmayman, nega
(y - Why? - Nega so'zining qisqartirmasi - [vay] deb o'qiladi)

🔸lotsa - lots of:
🔹I've lotsa homework! - I have lots of homework! - (menda ko'p uyga vazifalar bor)

🔸gacha - gocha - got cha - got ya - got you: 
🔹Ah, gotcha! - Haa tushundim!

🔸gimme - give me: 
🔹Gimme your hand! — Qo'lingni ber!

🔸lemme - let me: 
🔹Lemme guess, ... — Tahmin qilaychi, ...

🔸cuz - ’cause - because: chunki
🔹Cuz I told so. - Chunki men shunday dedim.

🔸ain’t - be not: 
🔹It ain’t right. - Bu to'g'ri emas.


📍The Blue Book

For Grammar and Punctuation



Vocabulary Time

🔸 Calm - quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof
🔹 Come - approach, advance, near, arrive, reach
🔸 Cool - chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigid
🔹 Crooked - bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag
🔸 Cry - shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl
🔹 Cut - gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop,
lop, reduce

💌Sharing is caring🤓


🔰Big break

Opportunity or great consequence on one's career.

Katta imkoniyat.

It is a big break for CR7 to make lots of money in Al-Nasr FC.

CR7 uchun Al-Nasr FCda o'ynash pul ishlab olish uchun katta imkoniyat.

♡ ㅤ    ❍ㅤ      ⎙ㅤ     ⌲
📚 @TeacherAbdulloh

IELTS Statistics 📊

Money and Candidates

•Over 2.2 million candidates take IELTS exams around the globe every year.

•Around 440,000,000 USD($) spent on IELTS tests by IELTS test takers annually.

🔎Ko‘p foydalaniladigan kundalik suhbatlashuvlar:

📌When you express acceptance of a thing, offer or suggestion
— Qachonki narsadan, taklifdan, maslahatdan rozi bo'lishni ifodalasangiz

🔹I guess. - Taxminimcha
🔹I suppose. - Menimcha
🔹I guess so. - Taxminimcha shunday
🔹I suppose so. - Menimcha shunday
🔹I believe so. - Men shunaqa deb ishonaman
🔹I think so. - O'ylashimcha shunday
🔹So it seems. - Shunday ko'rinyapti
🔹I hear you. - Men sizni eshityapman
🔹I hear what you're saying. - Nima deyayotganingizni eshityapman

📌When you agree with a point with indifference or resistance
— Qachonki kimnidir gapiga shubha yoki loqaydlik bilan qo'shilsangiz

🔹Anything you say. - Nima desangiz ham
🔹Whatever you say. - Nima deyishizdan qat'iy nazar
🔹I'm afraid so. - Shunday deb qo'rqaman
🔹Have it your way. - O'zingiz bilasiz
🔹Suit yourself. - O'zingizga havola

👉 @TeacherAbdulloh- Bizga qo'shiling ✅

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Idiom Time

🆕 Buckle Down

🇬🇧 Meaning: study or work very hard.

🇬🇧Example: 👇

🇬🇧 Last semester Alisher’s grades were very low, so this year he decided to buckle down.


❤️ Sharing is caring

©️Channel: @cambridgeieltsbooks


1. Some people find advertising......., but I think it's a necessary evil.
2. The salesman told me the phone would never break, but I wasn't....
3. Many special celebrations have become much too.... now.
4.Giving a free gift is a marketing.... often used by magazines.
5. Adverts often.... the effectiveness of beauty products

Options: 7⃣
a. 👉 exaggerate
b. 👉 ploy
c. 👉 intrusive
d. 👉 convinced
e.👉 commercialised



🔰How to suggest something

📍Why don't you learn English?
📍How about starting it from tomorrow?
📍If I were you, I would also learn maths.
📍I would suggest to start learning both subjects.

♻️Channel: @TeacherAbdulloh

#writing #IELTSprep
⚜️A for an against essay

‼️The first thing you have to do before writing a for and against essay is make a list of three advantages and three disadvantages.

☝️Use linking expressions…

🔸to list advantages and disadvantages:
🔹The main advantage of … is that …
🔹An important advantage of … is that …
🔹Another advantage is that …
🔹Another point in favour of … is that …
🔹Another negative point is that …
🔹to add more points:

🔸to add more points:
🔹In addition,

🔸to introduce examples:
🔹For example,
🔹For instance,

🔸to introduce contrasting points:
🔹On the other hand,

🔸to introduce the conclusion:
🔹To sum up,
🔹In conclusion,


IELTS Speaking Using Contractions:

Should you use contractions in your IELTS speaking test? Will you get a lower mark if you use contractions like "gonna"?

What are contractions?

A contraction is when you combine two (or more) words to make them shorter and make them flow together when speaking. "It is" = "it's" or "want to" = "wanna"
Most contractions are used in informal speaking. Is the IELTS speaking test formal or informal? The IELTS speaking is 100% informal.

👉 Part 1 is informal short answer questions
👉 Part 2 is an informal talk
👉 Part 3 is an informal discussion on broader current issues

🔷 This means informal language is fine to use in all parts of the test.

They are an accepted part of SPOKEN English. One student pointed out that they even heard contractions used by the BBC and the British Royal Family - this is true

Using Wanna / Gonna

Yes, its fine to use contractions (words joined in pronunciation) in the IELTS speaking test. In fact, it will boost your score for pronunciation.

👉 want to = wanna

🔹I really wanna go to the cinema tonight.
🔹The majority of students wanna travel before starting university.

👉 going to = gonna

🔹He's gonna visit his grandmother this evening.
🔹The local council are gonna improve the roads in this area.

‼️ Wanna and gonna are only used in spoken English and NOT in formal Writing. 🙅‍♂✍ The reason is that wanna; and are pronunciation features - it is how we pronounce want to but it is not how we write it in formal written English. It is fine to use these words in your IELTS speaking test and in fact will help with your pronunciation band score. Are these contractions in the Cambridge dictionary? Yes, they are.

IELTS Speaking Pronunciation

Pronunciation is 25% of your marks for IELTS speaking. This means the way you pronounce sounds, words and sentences is marked in your speaking test. Part of that does include linking sounds and linking words, such as gonna, wanna, it's and doesn't. So, try to learn these contractions and use them naturally in your test.

♻️sharing is caring 😇

✅ Channel: @teacherabdulloh

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