๐ LOOK DOWN ON - o'zidan past sanamoq
Madina's neighbors look down on her because her house is smaller than theirs.
๐ WEAR DOWN - kimnidur nimadur qilishiga ko'ndirish (qayta-qayta so'rab)
I got my son a puppy for his birthday. After asking me for months, he finally wore me down
๐ WATCH OVER - qarab turish
My sister watched over our son while Zebo and I went shopping.
๐ BUTTER UP - aytgan ishizni qildirish uchun kimndiru maqtash (paxta qo'yish)
Anvar's been buttering his brother up because he wants to borrow his car.
๐ ASK AFTER - kimdur haqida so'rash
I met Lola at the park. She was asking after you.
Madina's neighbors look down on her because her house is smaller than theirs.
๐ WEAR DOWN - kimnidur nimadur qilishiga ko'ndirish (qayta-qayta so'rab)
I got my son a puppy for his birthday. After asking me for months, he finally wore me down
๐ WATCH OVER - qarab turish
My sister watched over our son while Zebo and I went shopping.
๐ BUTTER UP - aytgan ishizni qildirish uchun kimndiru maqtash (paxta qo'yish)
Anvar's been buttering his brother up because he wants to borrow his car.
๐ ASK AFTER - kimdur haqida so'rash
I met Lola at the park. She was asking after you.