We can use an extra word, (right? OK?) when we want to check something. / Biror narsani tekshirishni xohlaganimizda, qo'shimcha so'zlarni ishlatishimiz mumkin.
▪️We usually use right? to check that what we are saying is correct. / Biz odatda aytayotgan gapimizning to'g'riligini tekshirish uchun rihgt? ni ishlatamiz
▪️We usually use OK? to check that an arrangement is good for the person we are speaking to. / Biz odatda kelishuvimiz gapirayotgan insonimizga maqul ekanligini tekshirish uchun OK? ni ishlatamiz.
- We are ready for dinner now, right?
- We'll order the taxi for seven o'clock, OK?
▪️We usually use right? to check that what we are saying is correct. / Biz odatda aytayotgan gapimizning to'g'riligini tekshirish uchun rihgt? ni ishlatamiz
▪️We usually use OK? to check that an arrangement is good for the person we are speaking to. / Biz odatda kelishuvimiz gapirayotgan insonimizga maqul ekanligini tekshirish uchun OK? ni ishlatamiz.
- We are ready for dinner now, right?
- We'll order the taxi for seven o'clock, OK?