Miyada to'qimasiga to'satdan Miyada qon oqimi kelishi to'xtashi.
Ishemik(Trombotik, Embolik), Hemmorhagic xillarda bo'lishi mumkin.
Gemmoragic insult 10-25% holatda uchraydi va asosan Hypertony, AVM sabab yuzaga keladi.
discharged home followed by
MCA strokes (56.1%)
According to available medical literature, Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA) strokes account for approximately 5-10% of all ischemic strokes, meaning they represent a relatively small portion of overall stroke cases.
discharged home followed by
MCA strokes (56.1%).
Miyada to'qimasiga to'satdan Miyada qon oqimi kelishi to'xtashi.
Ishemik(Trombotik, Embolik), Hemmorhagic xillarda bo'lishi mumkin.
Gemmoragic insult 10-25% holatda uchraydi va asosan Hypertony, AVM sabab yuzaga keladi.
discharged home followed by
MCA strokes (56.1%)
According to available medical literature, Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA) strokes account for approximately 5-10% of all ischemic strokes, meaning they represent a relatively small portion of overall stroke cases.
discharged home followed by
MCA strokes (56.1%).