G‘oya va haqiqat o‘rtasidagi yo‘l: Tesla’ning misli ko‘rilmagan innovatsion muvaffaqiyati
Har qanday yangi tashkilot uchun eng katta to‘siq doimo o‘z o‘rnini topish hisoblanadi. Shunday bo‘lsa-da, ba’zi sohalarda, ayniqsa iste’mol avtomobilsozlik sanoatida, bu vazifa deyarli imkonsiz tuyuladi. Shu bois, kompaniya 2012-yilda allaqachon to‘yingan bozorga o‘zining asosiy Model S avtomobili bilan kirib kelganida, ularga qarshi imkoniyatlar juda kam edi. Biroq, keyingi voqealar haqiqatan ham tarixda o‘chmas iz qoldirdi.
👉 Batafsil
The Transformative Power of Tesla: A Deep Dive into Revolutionary Success
The biggest obstacle for any new organization is always finding its place. However, in some industries, especially the consumer automotive industry, this task seems almost impossible. So, when the company entered the already saturated market in 2012 with its flagship Model S car, the odds against them were very low. However, the events that followed truly left an indelible mark on history!
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Har qanday yangi tashkilot uchun eng katta to‘siq doimo o‘z o‘rnini topish hisoblanadi. Shunday bo‘lsa-da, ba’zi sohalarda, ayniqsa iste’mol avtomobilsozlik sanoatida, bu vazifa deyarli imkonsiz tuyuladi. Shu bois, kompaniya 2012-yilda allaqachon to‘yingan bozorga o‘zining asosiy Model S avtomobili bilan kirib kelganida, ularga qarshi imkoniyatlar juda kam edi. Biroq, keyingi voqealar haqiqatan ham tarixda o‘chmas iz qoldirdi.
👉 Batafsil
The Transformative Power of Tesla: A Deep Dive into Revolutionary Success
The biggest obstacle for any new organization is always finding its place. However, in some industries, especially the consumer automotive industry, this task seems almost impossible. So, when the company entered the already saturated market in 2012 with its flagship Model S car, the odds against them were very low. However, the events that followed truly left an indelible mark on history!
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