Yil uchun qo’yilgan maqsadlarning uchdan biriga erishibman, hamd. Ozdek eshitilayotandir, ammo, unday emas. Ko’rilgan natija qolgan 65%ga afsus chektirmaydigan darajada ^^ (they were high-impact goals and outshine the remaining — two of third)
Va bir jumlaga duch keldim (it hit me different, for real):
Sizda nima gaplar? How was this part of your life?↘️
Yil uchun qo’yilgan maqsadlarning uchdan biriga erishibman, hamd. Ozdek eshitilayotandir, ammo, unday emas. Ko’rilgan natija qolgan 65%ga afsus chektirmaydigan darajada ^^ (they were high-impact goals and outshine the remaining — two of third)
Va bir jumlaga duch keldim (it hit me different, for real):
Yanvar orzularni, Dekabr esa haqiqatni ko’rsatadi
Sizda nima gaplar? How was this part of your life?↘️