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#qiziqteresting #ExamAdvice

IELTS dan nechchi ball olmoqchi bo'lsangiz har kuni kamida x10 barobar ko'p so'zni aktiv(ongli ravishda, tushunib) yodlang imtihongacha bo'lgan 3 oy davomida, i.e. 7 olmoqchimisiz, kamida 7x10=70 ta so'z har kuni.

Albatta bularni aktiv vocabulary ga o'tkizish uchun Writing va Speaking da ishlating.

Bilaman, bachalar, qiyin, zerikarli, daxshatli, shiddatli, e hullas lyuboy negativ adjective. Lekin iloj qancha?... Oson yo'li yo'q... Loxotronlarga ishonmanglar....

P.S. o'ta aqlli va o'ta tupoylar bundan mustasno.


#qiziqteresting #ExamAdvice

IELTS dan nechchi ball olmoqchi bo'lsangiz har kuni kamida shuncha soat aktiv(ongli ravishda) dars qiling imtihongacha bo'lgan 3 oy davomida, i.e. 7 olmoqchimsiz, kamida 7 soat har kuni.

P.S. o'ta aqlli va o'ta tupoylar bundan mustasno.


O'qib chiqishga arziydi 💯

Forward from: Anvarov’s blog
Sizga kelajagingizdan xat kelgan ekan, bir o‘qib ko‘ring:

Hurmatli o‘zim. Men — 10 yildan keyingi senman. Ya’ni, sen bu xabarni o‘qiyotgan vaqtingdan 10 yil keyingi holatingman. Senga aytar gaplarim bor.

Avvalo, hammasi uchun rahmat senga. Bilasanmi nega rahmat?

• Taslim bo‘lmaganing uchun rahmat!
• Qiyin vaqtlarda maqsadlarimizdan voz kechmaganing uchun rahmat!
• Tishingni-tishingga qo‘yib, odamlarni gaplariga ahamiyat bermaganing uchun rahmat!
• O‘z g‘oya va qarorlaringga ishonganing uchun rahmat.

Kunlar o‘tdi, ko‘p maqsadlarimizga erishdik, odamlar hayotimizga keldi-ketdi va shu vaqt davomida men 3ta haqiqatni angladim:
1. Hurmatli men, o‘tmishim, shuni unutdagingki, hammasi niyatdan boshlanar ekan. Niyatingni doim pok saqla. Ibodat ham niyat bilan boshlanadi, taomlanish ham, ish ham. Shunday ekan har bir ishingdan avval go‘zal niyat qil.

2. O‘tmishdagi men, iltimos ota-onamizni qadrla. Hozir ularni yuzlariga ajin tushgan, sochlari oqargan, quvvati ketgan. Bilasanmi, mana shu quvvatni barchasi biz uchun sarflandi. Iltimos, imkoning boricha ko‘proq ularni xursand qil.

3. Iltimos, to‘xtama. Bu hayotda har qanday yutuqni ortida tinimsiz harakat turar ekan, shunga guvoh bo‘ldim. Har qanday yo‘nalishda, har qanday ishda go‘zal niyat bilan boshlab, ishni sevib, hech qachon tashlab qo‘ymagin.

… Exxxe, hozir sening holatingni ko‘rib juda kulaman. Kechalari potolokka qarab uxlay olmayotgan kunlaringni tomosha qilaman, ichingdagi dardlaringni aytishga odam topolmay yurgan vaqtlaringni kuzataman-da "qani endi bilganingda edi, seni qanday porloq kelajak kutayotganini, zarra siqilmas eding" deyman, kulib)

Hayotingdan ketayotgan insonlarga achinishingga ham kulgim keladi. Nega bilasanmi? Chunki, ozgina vaqt o‘tgandan keyin ular hayotingdan ketgani uchun Hamdlar aytasan. Alloh chevar zot

Zo‘r kunlar bor oldimizda sen hali ko‘rmagan. Ota-onamizni Hajga olib borib, ularni duolarini olish zavqini his qilasan hali, kechasi daftaringga yozgan maqsadlaring amalga oshgandagi quvonchni his qilasan hali. Uxlolmay, siqilib o‘tkazgan tunlaring esa oila, farzandlaring bag‘rida sakinat bilan o‘tadigan tunlarga alishadi hali… ishon.

Faqat eng muhimi — iltimos, to‘xtama. O‘zingni sev, oilangni qadrla, o‘z qarorlaringga ishon.

Porla, zero seni porloq kelajaging kutmoqda!


Kanalimni kamida IELTS 7 olganimdan keyin yurgizishni ma'qul ko'rdim ba'zan ko'p vaqtim social mediaga ketib qolyapti. Biroz mudatdan so'ng albatta qaytaman yaxshi xabarlar bilan. Good luck everybody.

@Oloviddinsblog - Aim for the highest!🏓

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DAY 13


1) Quite challenging / A bit of a challenge

Preparing for the IELTS exam can be quite challenging, but it's worth the effort in the end.

Learning a new language is a bit of a challenge, but it’s incredibly rewarding once you start making progress.

2) Time flies when you are doing it – so engaging that you lose track of time

When I’m gardening, time flies because it’s so relaxing and engaging; I often spend hours without realizing it.

Whenever I’m playing chess with a friend, time flies because I get so absorbed in thinking about the next move.

3) Worth the effort and time

Going to the gym regularly is worth the effort and time because it keeps me healthy and energized.

Preparing for the IELTS exam is worth the effort and time because it opens up so many opportunities for studying and working abroad.

4) A fun way to pass the time / perfect for killing time

Chatting with friends online is a fun way to pass the time, especially when we share interesting stories or funny videos.

Listening to music while organizing my room is perfect for killing time. It makes the task more enjoyable

5)Get you moving / Get your adrenaline pumping

Playing basketball with friends really gets you moving, as you’re constantly running, jumping, and working as a team.

Surfing on large waves really gets your adrenaline pumping, as you try to ride the wave and maintain your balance.

6) Time well-spent – good use of time

Attending workshops and seminars is time well-spent; I always learn something new and valuable.

Learning a new language is a good use of time, as it opens up new opportunities and helps me connect with people from different cultures.

7) So much fun / have such a great time / such a blast / always a pleasure

So much fun

Going bowling with my colleagues was so much fun; we laughed, competed, and had a great time together.

Visiting the zoo with my family was so much fun; we saw so many animals and learned new things about wildlife.

Have such a great time

I had such a great time at the concert last weekend. The music was amazing, and the crowd was full of energy.

Spending the afternoon at the beach with my friends was such a great time; we swam, played volleyball, and enjoyed the sunset.

Such a blast

Playing laser tag with my cousins was such a blast; the competitive spirit and excitement made it a memorable day.

Attending the food festival was such a blast. We tried so many delicious dishes and met interesting people.

Always a pleasure

It’s always a pleasure to visit my grandparents. They make me feel so welcome, and we always have great conversations.

Meeting up with my old friends is always a pleasure. We always have such a good time reminiscing and laughing together.

8) Rejuvenating and refreshing – feel like a breath of fresh air

Going for a walk in the park early in the morning is rejuvenating and refreshing; it feels like a breath of fresh air.

Taking a short vacation by the sea is incredibly rejuvenating and refreshing, helping me to recharge my batteries.

9) You can’t help but enjoy it – An absolute pleasure – Always enjoyable

Spending time with close friends is an absolute pleasure; you can’t help but enjoy it.

Playing the guitar after a long day is always enjoyable; it’s a great way to relax and unwind.

10) Super engaging – You get lost in it

Watching a well-made movie can be super engaging; you get lost in it and forget everything else.

When I start a new puzzle, it’s so super engaging that I get lost in it for hours without even noticing.

@Oloviddinsblog Enjoy learning📚

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