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Category: Education

Channel is aimed at helping candidates who are to take IELTS. Try to share with others so that everybody could improve their skills and get some practical knowledge.
Owner: @SuyunovKamronbek

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CDI 30.12.2024


Surxondaryo ahli va yoshlari uchun muhim yangilik, azizlar! 🏔🚀

Hozirda, poytaxtimiz Toshkent shaxrining 21 nuqtasida faoliyat yuritayotgan EVEREST o'quv markazi endi Termiz shaxrida ham o'zining yangi, qulay va zamonaviy filialini ochish arafasida turibdi!

☝🏾EVEREST TERMIZ filiali jamoasi a'zosiga aylaning! Jamoaga IELTS instruktorlari, manzil manageri, administrativ hodimlar, mock exam jamoasi a'zolari va support teachers pozitsiyalariga xodimlar kerak bo'lmoqda!

🔥 Ishga joylashish va traininglar jarayonining dastlabki bosqichi uchun yagona talab kamida IELTS overall 6.0 yoki Multi-Level C1 natijasi hisoblanadi!

Yuqoriroq IELTS natijasiga ega, Termiz shaxri universitetlarining Ingliz tiliga ixtisoslashgan fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan hamda xozirning o'zida Termiz shaxrida IELTS instruktorlik yoki Ingliz tili ustozligi faoliyati bilan shug'ullanayotgan kandidatlarga ishga joylashish jarayonida ustunlik beramiz!

❗️Kandidatlar dastlab anketa, keyin esa suhbat bosqichidan o'tadilar! Suhbatlar natijasida ishga qabul qilingan bo'lajak xodimlarimizni Toshkentda yoki Termiz shaxrining o'zida kamida 2 oy mobaynida tashkil qilinadigan traininglarga jalb qilamiz! Toshkent shaxriga kelib trainingda qatnashish imkoniga ega kandidatlarni esa EVEREST parallel tarzida ish bilan band qiladi va ularga maosh to'lab boradi! Traininglar so'nggida barcha kandidatlar IELTS imtihonini topshiradilar va natijalariga mos Termiz manzilidagi ish pozitsiyalariga yo'naltiriladilar!

EVEREST Respublikamizdagi eng katta va 7.0+ IELTS natijalari miqdori nuqtai nazaridan birinchi raqamli o'quv markazi hisoblanadi, azizlar! Biz o'z hodimlarimizga har taraflama qulay sharoitlar, muntazam o'sish imkoniyati va eng yuqori oyliklarni ta'minlab beradigan o'quv markazimiz! Ishoning, ochilajak EVEREST TERMIZ manzilimiz jamoasi a'zosiga aylanish bo'lajak kadrlar uchun positive life-changing point bo'ladi, Xudo xohlasa!

P.S. Yangilikni Termiz shaxridagi IELTS 6.0 yoki CEFR C1 natijasiga ega barcha tanishlaringizga ulashing! Termizda xozirda faoliyat yuritayotgan barcha IELTS instruktorlariga va Ingliz tili fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga xabarni yetqazing! Termizda iloji boricha kuchli jamoani shakllantirishimizga ko'maklashing, dostoyniy kadrlar yangilikdan xabar topsin, xullas!

Kaminaga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri murojaat qilishsin va dastlabki anketani to'ldirishsin, ularga albatta aloqaga chiqib suhbatlar tashkil qilaman:

👉 @urokovkhurshid 🗻


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🏔Everest o'quv markazining 2024-yil uchun HISOBOT DAYJESTI

Everest uchun 2024-yil esda qolarli darajada muvaffaqiyat onlarini taqdim etdi!
O'quvchilarimiz yutuqlari, ustozlarimizning shaxsiy rivojlanishidagi yuqorilash - bizni katta jamoa sifatida yangi marralarni egallashimizga sabab bo'ldi!

2024-yilda o'quvchilarimiz qayd etgan IELTS 7+ natijalar:
759 ta - Overall 7.0
313 ta - Overall 7.5
108 ta - Overall 8.0
32 ta - Overall 8.5
4 ta - Overall 9.0
88 ta - CEFR C1 natijalari
Umumiy: 1304 ta IELTS 7+🔥

• Undan tashqari, 2024-yilda Everest yana 5 ta manzilga ko'paydi.

• Ta'lim sohasi bo'yicha 5-marotaba ketma-ket "YIL BRENDI" deya e'tirof etildi!….

Yaxshisi, to’liq videoni tomosha qilib batafsil ma’lumot olishingiz mumkin😊

📹👉YouTubeda yuqori sifatda ko’ring!

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CDI 26.01.2024


CDI 26.01.2025


A must-watch video that is going to dissolve all the illusions. Believe me, you won't regret.

PBI 21.12.2024


PBI 21.12.2024


Here is what I was talking about. Enjoy.


Assalamu alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,

I am immensely thankful to Allah (SWT) for such a productive and blessed year, which is about to come to an end within several hours. Before the clocks strike midnight and the calendar begins a new year, I would like to briefly summarize what we have achieved over the last 366 days.

1️⃣ This year, I set a new personal best in terms of the number of graduating groups. This achievement has not only brought satisfaction but also motivated me to continuously work on self-improvement.

2️⃣ Another milestone was the record number of successful students who achieved their desired IELTS scores. Their hard work and determination have been truly inspiring.

3️⃣ While it may seem like bragging, I was fortunate to work with students who had special requirements. Despite the challenges they faced, they both managed to excel and literally "cracked the test."

4️⃣ On a personal note, this year emphasized the importance of familial bonds and healthy relationships, reminding me of the value of spending quality time with loved ones.

5️⃣ The year 2024 will remain memorable, especially February, when I launched a new project aimed at improving the speaking abilities of my students. It has been a fulfilling and transformative experience.

6️⃣ Lastly, I made double attempts to improve my personal IELTS score. While my overall band score remained unchanged, my writing score improved significantly and is now very close to the next level, which I am determined to achieve soon.

I am deeply grateful for your support and loyalty throughout this journey. May these achievements be just the beginning of countless blessings that Allah (SWT) has granted and will continue to grant us.

May the upcoming year be productive and beneficial for all of humanity.

Happy 2025.


CDI 28.12.2024




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💻Rasmiy CD IELTSni endi Everestda topshiring!

👨‍💻IELTS imtihonini endi yanada qulay, tezkor va zamonaviy usulda topshirishingiz mumkin! Everest o'quv markazi IDP IELTS bilan hamkorlikda "Computer-Delivered IELTS (CD IELTS)" ni Toshkentda birinchilardan bo‘lib taqdim etmoqda.

🔥 Sizni yangi imkoniyatlar kutmoqda! Everest bilan IELTSni topshirib, orzularingizni amalga oshiring!

⚡️Take The Test With The Best!

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People’s opinions regarding animals are different. While some people see nothing bad in exploiting animals for the sake of humanity, others believe that it is better to stop doing so. Although it is animals that have enabled us to reach our current state, I believe, it is high time to stop exploiting them as there are alternatives for almost all aspects of animal usage.

On the one hand, advocates of animal exploitation emphasize how integral animals were and perhaps are for people. To be more specific, they point out that animals were drivers of development in ancient times greatly helping people almost on an industrial scale. For example, animal creatures have been used to plow fields, preparing the area for further crop season. The same is said to be still true now. Furthermore, those supporting further exploitation of animals state that these creatures are a vital source of nutrition for people. Without any doubt, people’s diets were and are still predominantly dependent on animal-based food, such as meat and milk, providing us with the right amount of nutrients daily. Moreover, animal exploitation is said to be inevitable in science. This is because most of the treatments have to be tested on animals before getting approval for human usage.

However, critics of animal exploitation, including me, argue that given our current state, it is inhumane to use animals to fulfill people’s needs. However bitter it is to admit, most of the animals in industrial farms are kept in tough conditions, preventing them from normal development. Instead, to gain more profit, in this case meat, people fill the creatures with chemicals which leads to serious conditions that an animal is not designed for by nature. A vivid example can be conditions under which thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of hens are kept waiting the day to be slaughtered, for further procession. In my opinion, it is totally unacceptable to see this, while humanity is striving to create a fair community as well as having other sources of nutrition apart from animals.

One more argument against their exploitation is that humanity has already reached that state of technological advancement and we should withdraw our dependence on them gradually when testing medications on them. In detail, scientists have already started using computer simulations to examine whether this or that medication can be applied to humans. Because of this, I believe, we must stop seeing animals as limitless materials. The same is true for animal force. Notably, seeing the exploitation of animals in areas where people can apply machinery, an action typically avoided for saving purposes, goes far beyond the ethical principles as well.

To conclude, some people are not concerned about the exploitation of animals looking at them as a source of labor, nutrition, and a tester used to fulfill people’s needs only. However, in my view, the conditions of keeping these creatures, causing physical issues totally contradict the ethics, suggesting that it is unacceptable to exploit animals.

494 words


Some people say that it is ok to use animals for our benefit while others say it is not good to exploit them.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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