Just me

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Category: Telegram

Just me with my books and unbearable introversion

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My life in two sentences:

‘Whenever I wish that it’s me, it’s never me.
And whenever I wish it isn't me, it's me.’

Wow, this line is…

Bowling’da svet o’chdi

Forward from: Mahin's World
Har bir insonning doim borar kimsasi bo’lishi kerak.

Uni eshitadigan, qabul qiladigani. Qalbi yolg’izlanganida iliq tafti bilan bag’riga bosar. Yurak yoshlarini mehrining qaynog’i bilan artari bo’lishi kerak.


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I remember being obsessed with Japanese way back.
And these guys are hilarious

"I wish people had trailers"

You know what's scary about this age? You can't even enjoy your down time. You're socially convinced that every moment you're spending not doing anything is wasted time. That you always should be working towards something. We forget that it's okay to have a breather and simply take time to yourself.😭

"When the soul suffers too much, it develops a taste for misfortune"

- Albert Camus, 'The First Man'

Of course it’s Camus

P.s. if you relate let me hug 🫂

Completed ☑️

And emotionally scarred

‘In Kazakh/Uzbek culture, friendship or love between humans bloom from being seen.
So "I like you" in Kazakh/Uzbek, "Men seni yaxshi koremin"
Means "I see you clearly"’

I haven’t thought about this until now…

Cheers to see and be seen clearly🥰

‘Ove had never been asked how he lived before he met her. But if anyone had asked him, he would have answered that he didn't.

But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either.’

This damn book 😵

‘He was a man of black and white.
And she was color. All the color he had.’

Fell in love with this book😍

I’m just doing bare minimum 😊

Hype’dan qochish shunchalik bo’lar ‘Barbie’ va ‘Oppenhaimer’ni haliyam ko’mabman😳


The older we get the better we used to be…

Zakovat was full of adrenaline🥰
And we’re ‘Renessans qizlari’ 9th place (embarrassing but okay😎)

‘I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser’

Taylor Swift ’Anti-hero’

🎵 Woke up to the phone, wanna see your name🎵

Most underrated line in musical history 🥲

I thought life would work out if I just did well in school…


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