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💥BIG SCHOOL FAMILY dan sizga zo’r taklif :

👉Bir hafta davomida 7.02-14.02 gacha, soat 21:00 da online jonli video dars bo’lib o’tadi.

👉Darslarda har kuni faol qatnashib, dars davomida Va yakunida barcha topshiriqlarni bajargan ishtirokchilarga

1-o’ringa: 500,000 so’m
2-o’ringa: 300,000 so’m
3-o’ringa: 200,000 so’m

Pul mukofoti va har bir o’ringa offline darslarda qatnashish uchun 700,000 so’mlik vaucher beriladi!

👉Ham bilim olib ham pul olish…bunaqasi hali bo’lmagan!!!

Demak, 21:00 da ko’rishguncha!!!


🔈 Sizlar uchun maxsus darslar o'tyabmiz, eng qizig'i mutlaqo BEPUL!


Darhol ushbu kanallarga qo'shilib oling !

✔️Bundan tashqari Real exam Reading and Listening Tests and  Advanced Grammar 8.0+......

➡️Rasman IELTS va CEFR endi oson.

🎙 Minglab o'quvchilar uchun maxsus darslar?

✅✅✅ 💙💙💙 〽️〽️〽️ ❤️❤️❤️

👍'' rel='nofollow'> Qisqa muddatda IELTS B2
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Advanced IELTS 8.0+
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Reading nega bitta ballda qotib qolgan
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Listening Multiple Choice
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Writingni qanday tez yozish mumkin
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Speakingda ravon gapirish
👍'' rel='nofollow'> Oddiy gramatikadan qochish
👍'' rel='nofollow'> So'zlarni oson yodlash 

‼️ Yuqoridagi mavzular bo'yicha maxsus darslardan qolib ketmaslik uchun, ko'k link ustiga bosing va kanallarga a'zo bo'ling👆

Assalomu alaykum hammani kevotgan yangi yil bilan tabrikliman hammaga baxt omad tiliman!

Tezda bir yil ham oʻtib ketdii koʻp narsalar oʻzgardii

Shu vaqtdagi active ni sogndim🫠😂

5 ta dushanba va 2024 tugaydi…

Assalomu alleykum hayirli tong

Expressing Disagreement 👎:

1️⃣ I’m not sure I agree with that... ❌
2️⃣ I see things differently... 🔄
3️⃣ I beg to differ... 🚫
4️⃣ That’s not how I see it... 👁️
5️⃣ I respectfully disagree... 🙏
6️⃣ I don’t think that’s quite right... ⚖️
7️⃣ I’d have to disagree with that... 🚷
8️⃣ I have a different perspective... 🌐
9️⃣ I can’t say I agree with that... 🤔
🔟 I’m afraid I don’t agree... 🙅‍♂️

Double TAP ♥️ if you found this helpful

IELTS Speaking: Expressing Agreement 👍

1️⃣ I completely agree with that... 💯
2️⃣ I couldn't agree more... 🤝
3️⃣ Absolutely, that’s a valid point... ✔️
4️⃣ I totally support the idea that... 👐
5️⃣ You’re absolutely right... ✅
6️⃣ I share the same view... 👥
7️⃣ Without a doubt, I agree... 📜
8️⃣ I’m on the same page... 📖
9️⃣ I wholeheartedly believe... ❤️
🔟 I’m in full agreement... 🙌

Double TAP ♥️ if you found this helpful

IELTS Speaking: Expressing Opinions Clearly :

1️⃣ I firmly believe that... 👍
2️⃣ From my perspective... 👀
3️⃣ It seems to me that... 🤔
4️⃣ I am convinced that... 💡
5️⃣ I am of the opinion that... 👈
6️⃣ In my view... 👓
7️⃣ Personally, I think... 🤷
8️⃣ To my mind... 🧠
9️⃣ If you ask me... 🗣️
🔟 I truly feel that... ❤️

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First snow🌨️

Assalomualleykum barchaga ahvollar yaxshimi?

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Bundan maslahat olmoqchidim tabriklayabdi bu🤦🏻‍♂️

Assalomualeykum xayrli tong hammaga


⛔ Important = crucial, vital, essential, significant, necessary

⛔ Quiet = silent, calm, peaceful, tranquil, still

⛔ Brave = courageous, fearless, valiant, bold, daring

⛔ Smart = intelligent, clever, bright, sharp, brainy

⛔ Big = large, huge, enormous, gigantic, immense

⛔ Small = tiny, little, petite, minute, compact

⛔ Tired = exhausted, weary, fatigued, worn out, drained

⛔ Dangerous = hazardous, risky, perilous, unsafe, threatening

⛔ Beautiful = attractive, lovely, gorgeous, stunning, charming

⛔ Angry = mad, furious, irate, enraged, annoyed

⛔ Lazy = idle, sluggish, indolent, lethargic, inactive

⛔ Quick = fast, rapid, speedy, swift, prompt

⛔ Weak = fragile, feeble, delicate, frail, powerless

⛔ Safe = secure, protected, sheltered, guarded, risk-free

⛔ Old = ancient, aged, elderly, mature, vintage

Double TAP 💟 if you found this helpful!

Telefondagi Notes ni yaxshi tushunadiganlar bormi?

Ways to say ,, For example " 💯

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