A bird lands on a delicate branch swaying in the wind. The branch creaks under its weight, as if it could snap at any moment. Yet, the bird remains calm, completely unbothered by the danger. Because it trusts not the branch, but its own wings.
Shamolda tebranayotgan nozik shoxga qush qo‘nadi. Shox uning og‘irligidan g‘ichirlaydi, har lahzada sinib ketishi mumkindek. Biroq, qush xotirjam, xavfdan mutlaqo tashvishlanmaydi. Chunki u daraxt shoxiga emas o'z qanotlariga ishonadi.
Shamolda tebranayotgan nozik shoxga qush qo‘nadi. Shox uning og‘irligidan g‘ichirlaydi, har lahzada sinib ketishi mumkindek. Biroq, qush xotirjam, xavfdan mutlaqo tashvishlanmaydi. Chunki u daraxt shoxiga emas o'z qanotlariga ishonadi.