"iMUN 2020" conference

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

"iMUN 2020" Conference
Online conference to simulate United Nations
Date: 5 may, 2020
Location: Online (Zoom Platform)
Discussing possible solutions for COVID-19 outbreak mitigation
No. of delegates: 30

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Uzbekistan, English
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Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​"Diplomat MUN"dan daxshat tanlov!

Instagram saxifamizda "4 qadam" tanlovi!

Tanlov g'oliblarining umumiy soni: 4 nafar!

Tanlov g'oliblari onlayn xalqaro konferensiyamizda bepul ishtirok etadilar!

Rasmiy delegatlarimiz ham ishtirok etishlari mumkin va ular alohida tanlov g'olibi sertifikatlari bilan taqdirlanadi!

"4 qadam" Instagram saxifamizdagina tanlov bo'ladi.
Instagram saxifamizga hoziroq obuna bo'ling 👉https://instagram.com/diplomatmunuzb "follow"/"Подписаться" ni bosing
2-qadam: Instagram saxifamizdagi oxirgi post (joylangan yangilik) ga "Like" bosing
3-qadam: Instagram saxifamizdagi oxirgi post (yangilik) Instagramdagi 3ta do'stingizni izohlarda (комменты) belgilang va eng muhimi 4-qadam...
4-qadam Instagram saxifamizda berilgan!!

4ta shartlarni bajarib tanlov ishtirokchisiga aylanasiz va 20-may kuni "Random.org" orqali barcha tanlov ishtirokchilari ichidan 4 nafar ishtirokchini saralab olamiz!

Hoziroq Instagram saxifamizga obuna bo'lib, ishtirok eting 👉https://instagram.com/diplomatmunuzb

Telegram saxifamizga a'zo boling 👉 @diplomatmun

Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​Dear Young Diplomats;

We will introduce our 3rd committee: World Health Organization committee!

World Health Organization is the specialized agency of the United Nations!

Top 3 facts about World Health Organization:

Director General: Tedros Adhanom
Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland

The topic of WHO in "Diplomat MUN 2020":

"The effective means of controlling human health crises impacted by COVID-19 through developing Telemedicine sector around the world"

NOTE: Within 6 days, we have received more than 1,320 applications in @diplomatmunuz
It should be highlighted that tomorrow is the last day of the registration for the conference!

The total number of delegates for WHO: 40! We will only select 10 delegates for World Health Organization in 1 day!

Do not miss your chance! Application form only via Telegram profile:
Message us "English Diplomat" phrase to the Telegram profile: @diplomatmunuz

Join our Telegram channel and share this news with your friends 👇👇👇

Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​Assalomu alaykum qadrli "Diplomat MUN" ishtirokchilari,

Bugundan boshlab e'tiboringizga onlayn konferensiyamizda modellashtiriladigan BMT qo'mitalari haqida ma'lumotlarni yetkazib turamiz!

1-qo'mita: BMT Bosh Assambleyasi

Tashkil topgan sana:
1945 yil
Bosh qarorgohi: Nyu York shahri
Amaldagi BMT Bosh Assambleyasi prezidenti: Tijjani Muhammad-Bande

"Diplomat MUN" konferensiyasida ushbu qo'mitaning 31-maydagi kun tartibidagi mavzusi:

"COVID-19 koronavirus mavjudligi sharoitiga moslashish va bunga tayyorgalik ko'rishni zamonaviy texnologiyalar tadbiq etilishi orqali boshqarish"

Qadrli yoshlar,

4 kun davomida bizga 850dan ortiq arizalar kelib tushdi. Hozirga qadar bizning rasmiy ishtirokchilarimiz soni 105 nafardan oshdi. Yuqori darajadagi qiziqishni e'tiborga olgan holda BMT Bosh Assambleyasiga yana 20 nafar ishtirokchini saralab olamiz.

Hoziroq Telegram profilimiz bo'lmish @diplomatmunuz ga "Diplomat" so'zini yuborib, avtomatik tarzda ro'yxatdan o'tishga shoshiling!

"Diplomat MUN": Biz tarixni birga yaratamiz!

Bizning Telegram saxifamizga a'zo bo'ling 👇👇👇

Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​Qadrli bo'lajak diplomatlar,

Tarixiy voqealikni yaratishni maqsad qilgan tashkilotchilar har bir ishtirokchi uchun maxsus "DIPLOMAT PASS" xujjatlarini rasmiy ishtirokchilarga yuborishni boshladi. "DIPLOMAT PASS" sizni rasmiy ishtirokchi ekanligingizni tasdiqlash va konferensiyaga taklifnoma hisoblanadi. "DIPLOMAT PASS" ijtimoiy tarmoqlaringizga joylashingiz mumkin.

Bizning ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi saxifamiz:

Facebook: https://facebook.com/diplomatmun
Instagram: https://instagram.com/diplomatmunuzb

Hozirga qadar 300 dan oshiq arizalar kelib tushdi. Rasman qabul qilingan ishtirokchilar soni esa 40dan oshdi!
O'z imkoniyatingizni qo'ldan boy bermang!
Hoziroq "Diplomat" so'zini @diplomatmunuz ga yuborib ro'yxatdan o'ting!
Anjumanimizda 4ta qo'mita mavjud va xohlagan 3tildagi qo'mitalardan birida ishtirok etishingiz mumkin.

Bu yangilikni do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing 👉 @diplomatmun
Dear future diplomats,

As we have aimed to build the historical conference, we are starting to give "DIPLOMAT PASS" to our official delegates. "DIPLOMAT PASS" is the document which proves that you are official delegate and serves as invitation letter to partake in online conference. You can post your "DIPLOMAT PASS" in social media, but do not forget to tag us. Join our Facebook and Instagram (links are given above☝️)

As we are limited with 15 participants in WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, we have only 9 spots for English committee. Do not miss your chance!
REGISTRATION IS ONLY BY TELEGRAM: Message us "Diplomat" to @diplomatmunuz and get a reply for registration.

Share it with your friends now 👉 @diplomatmun

Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​Welcome "Diplomat MUN" online conference!

The first ever organized Model UN Conference in Uzbek!
We create a history altogether!

Conference date: 31-may, 2020
Total number of delegates: 120 delegates (110 local and 10 international delegates)
Conference location: Zoom platform

The following committees will be simulated:
1. UN ECOSOC (Uzbek language) -40 delegates
2. UN General Assembly (Uzbek language) - 40 delegates
3. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (English language) -20 delegates ( 5 international)
4. UN Security Council (Russian language) - 20 delegates ( 5 international)

1️⃣Digital Certificate in document version (pdf) to all official delegates (QR-code with database)
2️⃣International delegates from India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
3️⃣Organizing Team (7 years of experience) and Chairing team with 5 years
4️⃣The first historical conference with UN simulation in Uzbek language. We write a history
5️⃣"Best Delegate, Speaker and Position Paper" awardees will be nominated with special Recommendation

NO GOOGLE FORM Registration (as it is not working properly)

Message "English Diplomat" phrase to @diplomatmunuz profile now!
Get Registration and Full information about conference.

🔥🔥Statistics of first day selection: Applied: 189 applicants
Accepted: 82 applicants
Official delegates number: 23 delegates

Limited delegates spot for English committee! Apply Now! Be the Diplomat!

Join our Telegram channel now👇👇👇


Forward from: Diplomat MUN 2020
​​🔥🔥"Diplomat MUN" onlayn BMT Modeli konferensiyasi!

O'zbek tilida birinchi bor Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Modeli!

Konferensiya sanasi: 31-may, 2020 (Kun davomida)

Umumiy delegatlar soni: 120 delegat (110 nafar mahalliy va 10 nafar xalqaro ishtirokchilar)

Konferensiya o'tkaziladigan platforma: Zoom

Konferensiyaning asosiy maqsadi:
-Yoshlarning xalqaro huquqiy madaniyatini oshirish;
-Xalqaro siyosiy va iqtisodiy vaziyatlar bilan yaqindan tanishtirish;
-Hozirgi vaziyatdan kelib chiqib iqtisodiyot, tibbiyot va barcha soxalarga yoshlar fikrini o'rganish;
-Yoshlarning omma oldida nutq so'zlash qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish.

BMT modellari bu dunyo yoshlari orasida eng ommalashgan, xalqaro siyosiy va iqtisodiy jarayonlar va muammolarga yoshlar muayyan davlat rahbari sifatida ishtirok etib, davlatidan kelib chiqqan holda o'z taklif va yechimlarini beradigan, munozaralarga boy bo'lgan xalqaro yoshlar konferensiyasi hisoblanadi.

Quyidagi qo'mitalar va tashkilot modellashtiriladi:
1) BMTning Iqtisodiy va Ijtimoiy Kengashi-40 delegat (O'zbek tilida)
2) BMT Bosh Assambleyasi-40 nafar (O'zbek tilida)
3) BMT Xavfsizlik Kengashi-20 nafar (Rus tilida)
4) Jahon Sog'liqni Saqlash Tashkiloti -20 nafar (Ingliz tilida)

"Diplomat MUN" onlayn konferensiyasida qatnashishning Top 5 afzalligi:
1) "Digital Certificate" elektron xalqaro sertifikat (Ishtirokchilar bazasi bilan);
2) Xalqaro ishtirokchilar bilan fikr almashish va munozaralarda qatnashish imkoniyati;
3) 5 yildan ziyod tajribaga ega bo'lgan moderatorlar tomonidan sessiyalarning olib borilishi;
4) Birinchi marotaba O'zbek tilida BMT modeli va har bir ishtirokchining davlat rahbarlari sifatida ishtirok etishi;
5) Tanlov g'oliblari maxsus tavsiyanomalar va sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlanishi.

Hoziroq ro'yxatdan o'tib, delegatimizga aylaning: Telegram orqali onlayn ro'yxatdan o'ting👇👇

@diplomatmunuz profiliga "Diplomat" so'zini yuboring va avtomatik ravishda delegat arizasini to'ldiring!

Ro'yxatdan o'tishning oxirgi sanasi: 20-may, 20:00

"Diplomat MUN" Telegram kanaliga a'zo bo'ling 👉 @diplomatmun
#innovatsion #xalqaro #professional #diplomatlar

Forward from: Young Ambassadors Global Youth Summit
​​Assalomu alaykum qadrli yoshlar,

Loyiha nomi:
"Diplomat MUN 2020"

Yoshlarimiz orasida eng ommalashib borayotgan konferensiya, sammit va festivallar yoshlar hayotida katta o'rin egallamoqda. Ammo, ko'plab tadbirlarni o'tkazishdan maqsad shunchaki yoshlarni bir joyga jamlash va "maqola chop etish" yoki biror jumlani ifodalab berish bilan cheklanib qolmoqda.

E'tiboringizga, birinchi marotaba O'zbek tilida olib boriladigan Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotining modelini taklif etamiz! Shu kunga qadar, biror marotaba BMT Modeli O'zbek tilida olib borilmagan edi, faqatgina Parlament modeli va Vazirlar Mahkamasi modelllari tashkillashtirilgan, yoshlardan esa BMT modelini O'zbek tilida ham o'tkazish takliflari kelib tushgan edi.

BMT modellari bu dunyo yoshlari orasida eng ommalashgan, xalqaro siyosiy va iqtisodiy jarayonlar va muammolarga yoshlar muayyan davlat rahbari sifatida ishtirok etib, davlatidan kelib chiqqan holda o'z taklif va yechimlarini beradigan, munozaralarga boy bo'lgan xalqaro yoshlar konferensiyasi hisoblanadi.

"Diplomat MUN 2020" onlayn BMT modeli konferensiyasi
hisoblanib, yillar davomida BMT modellari tashkilotchisi sifatida ishtirok etgan jamoa tomonidan taqdim etilmoqda. BMT modeli konferensiyasi nafaqat O'zbek tilidagi qo'mitalardan, balkim Ingliz va Rus tillarida ham qo'mitalarni o'z ichiga oladi.

To'liq ma'lumot olish uchun hoziroq "Diplomat MUN 2020" Telegram kanaliga a'zo bo'ling. Yaqin soatlarda konferensiya va ro'yxatdan o'tish bosqichlari haqida ma'lumotni kanalda e'lon qilamiz👇👇👇


Dear selected candidates of "iMUN Conference 2020"

Welcome the country allocation of 30 delegates!

📌The topic of United Nations General Assembly in "iMUN Conference" 2020:

📝"International Cooperation and Global Partnerships to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.”

Deadline of PP: 4th May, 17:00

To be sent on: imodelun2020@gmail.com

Join us 👉@imodelun

Forward from: Young Ambassadors Global Youth Summit
​​"Yosh elchilar" Butunjahon Yoshlar Sammiti tomonidan birinchi bor o'zbek tilida "Yevropa Ittifoqi Komissiyasi" modeli!

🏛 Tashkil topgan sana: 1958 yil, 1 yanvar

📌A'zo mamlakatlar soni: 27 mamlakat

📌Bosh qarorgohi: Brussel, Belgiya

📌Komissiya prezidenti: Ursula Von Der Leyen

"Mening azaliy maqsadim Yevropa Qo'shma Shtatlarini hozirdan yaratishdir!"
"My aim is the United States of Europe"

📌Tashkilot maqsad va vazifalari:

-Yevropa mamlakatlari manfaatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda, rasmiy farmon va qonunlarni ishlab chiqish;
-Siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy mavzularga qaratilgan kechiktirib bo'lmas mavzularga doir muhokamalarni olib borish;
-Favqulodda xolat jarayonlarida mamlakatlar yakdilligini saqlagan holda umume'tirof etilgan yechimlarni taqdim etish.

"Yevropa Ittifoqi Kommissiyasi" modelida 3 kun davom etadigan sammitni Komissiya prezidenti va vitse-prezidenti tomonidan boshqariladi. Har bir sammit ishtirokchisi muayyan davlat prezidenti yoki vitse-prezidenti sifatida ishtirok etib, Komissiya prezidenti tomonidan muhokamaga qo'yilgan favqulodda vaziyatlarga o'z davlatining siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy holatidan kelib chiqqan holda o'z yechim va takliflarini berishadi. Sammit yakunida esa ishtirokchilar tomonidan muhokamaga tashlangan favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun takliflar maxsus rezolyutsiya (takliflarni o'zida jamlagan qonuniy kuchga ega bo'lgan hujjat) sifatida "Yosh elchilar" tashkiliy qo'mitasiga topshiriladi.

Hozirga qadar "Yevropa Ittifoqi Kommissiyasi" uchun 50dan ziyod yoshlarni ishtirokchi sifatida qabul qildik.

10 nafar ishtirokchi talab etiladi va saralash bu tashkilot uchun to'xtatiladi!

Hoziroq 1) Google formani to'ldirgan holda quyidagi link orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting👇


yoki (Google formadan imkoni bo'lmasa):
2) Telegramdan "Qatnashmoqchiman" deb @ambassador_reg akkauntiga murojaat qiling!

Umumiy ishtirokchilarimiz soni: 420 nafar
Hozirgi ishtirokchilarimiz soni: 235 nafar (190 nafar ishtirokchini qabul qilib, qabulni to'xtatamiz)

Bizning Telegram saxifamizga qo'shiling 👉@ambassadoruz

​​Dear candidates of "iMUN Conference 2020";

We have officially started sending application results from 20:00 as promised!

During 7 days of selection process, we have received more than 250 applications!

Today, we will notify these delegates who have passed the first stage and shortlisted to become amongst 30 strong applicants!

Please, bear in mind that, selection process was so competitive and we have received overwhelming quantities of application! Only shortlisted candidates will be notified by Secretariat!

Within an hour, please continuously check your email address!
If you receive, please follow instructions!

See you in "iMUN Conference 2020"!


Forward from: Young Ambassadors Global Youth Summit
Dear Followers of "Young Ambassadors" Global Youth Summit,

We are honored to introduce our first organization which will be simulated by our participants!

United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN)

1)charged with ensuring international peace and security
2) recommending that the General Assembly accept new members to the United Nations
3) and approving any changes to its charter.
4) Its powers include the establishment of peacekeeping operations and international sanctions as well as the authorization of military actions through resolutions – it is the only body of the United Nations with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.

The council held its first session on 17 January 1946.

Like the UN as a whole, the Security Council was created following World War II to address the failings of a previous international organization, the League of Nations, in maintaining world peace.

The current members of UNSC consists of 15 countries; out of 5 of which serves as the body's five PERMANENT members - 5 great powers,that were the victors of World War II:
-The Russian Federation
-The United Kingdom
-The former Republic of China(now represented by the People's Republic of China)
-The United States

10 non-permanent members,elected on a regional basis to serve a term of two years:
-Belgium,Dominican Republic,Estonia, Germany,Indonesia, Niger,Saint Vincent,South Africa, Tunisia,Vietnam

As the president of permanent, non-permanent and observer countries, you will be asked to solve crisis situations presented by Chairpeople which will mainly be related to military actions, peacekeeping impacts!

Please apply as the President in the United Nations Security Council 👇👇👇

Follow us on our Telegram channel via the link below👇👇👇

Hello, World!

A long-waited first round application process has been finished!

We have received more than 250 applications! We express our gratitude for your high interest and motivation!

Results of your application will be released on 30th of April, at 20:00!

You will receive application results by email!
Please note that, only selected candidates will be notified by the Secretariat of "iMUN Conference 2020"

Good Luck! Never forget that all of you who applied are deserved candidates!

See you in the conference on 5th May!

Follow us on Telegram👉@imodelun
Follow us on Facebook👉https://fb.me/imodelun

Dear candidates for "iMUN Conference 2020"

We are honored to present you the list of 30 countries which will be simulated during our online conference by our 30 participants!

Do not miss your chance!
1 day is left for the closure of the application form!
Be among Top 30! Apply Now 👇👇


#free_participation #internationally_recognized_digital_certificate
Join our Conference Telegram channel 👉@imodelun

Dear interested candidates for "iMUN Conference 2020"

Until now, we have successfully received more than 180 applications!

Due to the high demand for the conference, We have also extended a deadline for application until 28th April, 2020!

However, we have received some information that, due to unknown reasons, it was impossible for some applicants to access to application!

Fortunately, You have now opportunity to access to application if your browser did not support the above links!

Access to application form now 👇👇👇


As the note for applicants who have already applied: You should not fill in the application form again, this is the same application but with different link!

Submission of two applications will result in the rejection of the submitted form!

Please stay tuned and share this amazing information with your friends!
Join our Telegram channel 👉@imodelun


​​🎗The simulation of United Nations in "iModel UN Conference 2020"!
The United Nations General Assembly!

🏛Year of establishment:
October 24, 1945

📌Members: 193 member countries, 2 observer countries

📌Headquarters: Manhattan, New York City🇺🇸

📌United Nations Secretary General: Antonio Guterres.💼

📌“Human rights cannot be an afterthought in times of crisis — and we now face the biggest international crisis in generations. The best response is one that responds proportionately to immediate threats while protecting human rights and the rule of law”


📌"Maintaining international peace and security developing friendly international relations among world nations solving international problems of any nature (economic, cultural, social, humanitarian…)"

📌The UN has six principal organs:

the General Assembly;
the Security Council;
the Economic and Social Council;
the Trusteeship Council;
the International Court
of Justice;

📌The UN System agencies include the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme, UNESCO, and UNICEF. The UN's most prominent officer is the Secretary-General, an office held by Portuguese politician and diplomat António Guterres since 1 January 2017. Non-governmental organizations may be granted consultative status with ECOSOC and other agencies to participate in the UN's work.

📌The topic of United Nations General Assembly in "iMUN Conference" 2020:

📝"International Cooperation and Global Partnerships to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.”

Apply Now to become among TOP 30 Delegates!👇👇👇


GREAT NEWS: Due to the high level of interest for the conference, We have extended deadline of application until 28th of April, 22:00, 2020! Now, it is your chance to apply and show your best version!

Join our Telegram Channel for more information👇👇


​​Hello World! 📣📣📣

Welcome “iMUN Conference” 2020! 🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳

5-may, 2020
Number of Delegates: 30
Committee: United Nations General Assembly
Participation cost: FREE
Platform: “Zoom” Online Conference
Topic: International Cooperation and Global Partnerships to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

Mission of the conference:
☑️improve analytical and negotiations skills of youth by engaging them into one-day of conference sessions where each participant will be given a floor to present their ideas and proposals;
☑️develop a better understanding of the current coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak situation and demonstrate possible solutions and methods of contamination and mitigation of the world pandemic
☑️promote UN75 Dialogue among the youth of Uzbekistan and demonstrate professional academic simulation of the United Nations working process.
☑️launch the continuous implementation hub of online model conferences and engage young generation to advanced technological processes to stimulate the youth diplomacy.

Top 5 Reasons to participate in “iMUN Conference 2020”:

1️⃣ Verified international certificate for each participant (digital certificate).
2️⃣ Possibility to negotiate and debate with experienced delegates.
3️⃣ Participation of foreign citizens over the world as delegates.
4️⃣ Soft skills boosting process: improving personal critical and analytical thinking abilities.
5️⃣ Develop better understanding and legitimate information about COVID-19 outbreak.

We would like to remind you that our main partners are Youth Union of Uzbekistan and United Nations in Uzbekistan!

If you want to become official delegate, please Apply Now via the link👇👇👇


Deadline: 25th April, 22:00, 2020

Do not miss your chance! Simulate the reality with us at anytime and anywhere!

Please FOLLOW our Telegram channel for more updates👇👇

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