Overall, while the majority of the world’s population lives in Asian pacific, the remaining regions show much smaller figures. As for(when it comes to) people’s spending on education, school education(high-school, followed by secondary and primary schools) was the main expense as opposed touniversity and further education.
Focusing on the world population by region, a staggering 54% live in Asian pacific, more than the other regions put together(=combined). Europe came next, with 11%, which was slightly higher than those who live in Africa(10%). While 9% of people were from Latin America and Caribbean, the figures for the remaining regions were smaller, ranging between 7% and 3%.
When it comes to the expenditure on education, high school emerged as the major expense, accounting for 33% of total education spending. This was followed by primary and secondary schools, with the same 26%. University and further education were responsible for the smallest shares, with respective figures standing at 8% and 7%.
Band 7.0
Focusing on the world population by region, a staggering 54% live in Asian pacific, more than the other regions put together(=combined). Europe came next, with 11%, which was slightly higher than those who live in Africa(10%). While 9% of people were from Latin America and Caribbean, the figures for the remaining regions were smaller, ranging between 7% and 3%.
When it comes to the expenditure on education, high school emerged as the major expense, accounting for 33% of total education spending. This was followed by primary and secondary schools, with the same 26%. University and further education were responsible for the smallest shares, with respective figures standing at 8% and 7%.
Band 7.0