Flash64 New Update! V1.02.14.2025!
Beta Releases
02.14.2025 - End User Requests and Bug Fixes
1. Fixed sboot target partition from PIT for the following Exynos SoC:
* Reported by MasterUnlockGSM from Venezuela
Exynos 1280
Exynos 1330
Exynos 1380
Exynos 1480
Exynos 1580
Exynos 2200
Exynos 2400
2. Added PIT File Support for UFS Provisioning
3. Fixed MTK Preloader Boot Relay Table for newer SoCs (UFS and EMMC)
* Reported by Knotthailand
4. Added SkHynix EMMC FFU files for:
* These eMMC Firmware will allow RPMB Key Reading, Unlimited Repartitioning, WP Removal and CID/CSD Write
* Performing FFU on SK Hynix eMMC will NOT result in data loss.
* Avoid performing multiple FFU operations on the same eMMC, as its firmware uses a static NAND page address.
This means the page cannot be relocated if bad blocks begin to develop.
5. Added the ability to set the working directory using the HOME button located at the lower right corner of the software.
* Suggested by MasterUnlockGSM from Venezuela
6. A separate rawprogram.xml per LUN will now be generated during partition backups.
* Suggested by MasterUnlockGSM from Venezuela
7. Enhanced the speed of FFU reading for Samsung eMMC.
8. UFS VCC is now set to 2.80V by default.
9. Added support for UFS 4.1 new descriptors, attributes and flags.