📋 «Used to» ishlatilishi
used to:
1) o'tgan zamondagi odatlar;
2) o'tgan zamonda bajarilgan hozirda esa bajarilmaydigan holatlarga ishlatiladi.
Masalan siz bolaligingizda ko'p shirinliklar yegansiz va hozir bunday qilmaysiz. Aynan shunday holatlarda used to dan foydalanib gap tuzamiz.
I used to eat a lot of sweets when I was a child.
- Bolaligimda juda ko'p konfet yeganman.
Darak gapda:
S+ used to + infinitive
I used to live in Tashkent.
So'roq gapda:
Did+S+use to+infinitive?
Did you use to live in Tashkent?
Inkor gapda:
S+did not+use to+infinitive
I did not use to live in Tashkent.
• I used to eat only vegetables, but now I eat meat.
• I used to ride a bike when I was 8.
• She didn't use to drink much water.
• He didn't use to go to the cinema.
• Did you use to watch TV in the evenings?
• Did Temur use to wear ripped jeans and T-shirts?
Biz bilan qoling va darslarimizni ushbu manzilda kuzatib boring:
👉 ️@ingliz_tiliuz
📋 «Used to» ishlatilishi
used to:
1) o'tgan zamondagi odatlar;
2) o'tgan zamonda bajarilgan hozirda esa bajarilmaydigan holatlarga ishlatiladi.
Masalan siz bolaligingizda ko'p shirinliklar yegansiz va hozir bunday qilmaysiz. Aynan shunday holatlarda used to dan foydalanib gap tuzamiz.
I used to eat a lot of sweets when I was a child.
- Bolaligimda juda ko'p konfet yeganman.
Darak gapda:
S+ used to + infinitive
I used to live in Tashkent.
So'roq gapda:
Did+S+use to+infinitive?
Did you use to live in Tashkent?
Inkor gapda:
S+did not+use to+infinitive
I did not use to live in Tashkent.
• I used to eat only vegetables, but now I eat meat.
• I used to ride a bike when I was 8.
• She didn't use to drink much water.
• He didn't use to go to the cinema.
• Did you use to watch TV in the evenings?
• Did Temur use to wear ripped jeans and T-shirts?
Biz bilan qoling va darslarimizni ushbu manzilda kuzatib boring:
👉 ️@ingliz_tiliuz