A man cannot achieve all his wishes in all aspects of his life — from marriage to career, as the achievement does not depend on only ourselves. He could get a brilliant job offer, but could fail in friendship.
We live by connecting. Then, at some points of those countless human connections, something undesirable happens and its affect reaches us in some positive or negative manner. [Actually, the undesirable to us may be the desirable to someone else]. Events happening around us come up with the impacts of millions of dots which are related or unrelated to us. As if some achievements in life are all out of sudden and as if some failures tends to happen again despite the effort of years. The process is natural. All we do is to accept it naturally. As we are not the running engine of the world, everything is not up to us. Naturally, we don't need to pretend to achieve all our wishes in all aspects of our lives because we are not the one who is responsible for all. Neither our achievement nor failure is by us. They are either results or consequences of social dots of which we are sometimes unaware.
We live by connecting. Then, at some points of those countless human connections, something undesirable happens and its affect reaches us in some positive or negative manner. [Actually, the undesirable to us may be the desirable to someone else]. Events happening around us come up with the impacts of millions of dots which are related or unrelated to us. As if some achievements in life are all out of sudden and as if some failures tends to happen again despite the effort of years. The process is natural. All we do is to accept it naturally. As we are not the running engine of the world, everything is not up to us. Naturally, we don't need to pretend to achieve all our wishes in all aspects of our lives because we are not the one who is responsible for all. Neither our achievement nor failure is by us. They are either results or consequences of social dots of which we are sometimes unaware.