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ʼʼBUXORO MAKTABIʼʼ oʻquv markazidagi ʼʼCEFRʼʼ boʻyicha barcha maʼlumotlar ushbu kanalda yoritiladi.
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t.me/Saydusmonov_Asomiddin (+998944639994)

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💬Hoping you share your answers in the comments.


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Demak Fevral oyi natijalari ham 19-mart kuni e’lon qilinar ekan!

Forward from: Bilimni baholash agentligi
📆 2025-yil 10-mart qo‘shimcha dam olish kuni etib belgilanganligi sababli, 15-16 - fevralda o‘tkazilgan chet tili imtihonining gapirish bo‘yicha sinovi 12-mart sanasiga ko‘chirilidi.

✅ Talabgorlar ruxsatnomada belgilangan vaqtda belgilangan joyga borishlari lozim.

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🎤 Are there any volunteers to answer these questions?

Feel free to share your answers in the comments below!

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Blok Test 02.03.2025.pdf
📊 🔢🔢🔢🔢 kungi Aniq fanlar yo’nalishidagi blok test natijalari e’lon qilindi.

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🇬🇧 Ingliz tilidan yangi guruhlarga qabul boshlandi!

O'quv markazimizning “Oydin” filialida 9-mart kuni quyidagi kurslarga qabul bo'lib o'tadi.

IELTS – Yuqori ball uchun samarali usullar!
CEFR – imtihonlarga ishonch bilan tayyorlaning!
Grammatika – mustahkam asos bilan ingliz tilini o‘rganing!

🚀 Joylar cheklangan, shoshiling!

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va ma’lumot olish uchun:
📞 94-832-66-66 | 90-715-60-06

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🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 😊😊😊

➡️ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

📫 Registration: March 22
💸 Payment: March 23
🔷 Exam days: April 5–6

💰 Price: 506.250 UZS

🔘 Don’t forget to register for the exam!

🔔 P.S.: You can register and make the payment before the deadline. If you encounter any difficulties with registration or payment, feel free to contact me!


➕➕➕➕➕ 😊😊😊

🎙 🔤🔤🔤🔤1️⃣

🪄 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢

1. Have you worked or studied in groups? Do you prefer to study in a group or individually?

🔍Yes, I have worked and studied in groups multiple times, especially during university projects and workplace collaborations. While group study enhances idea exchange and teamwork, I personally prefer studying alone. This allows me to concentrate better, set my own pace, and avoid distractions. However, I do appreciate group discussions when it comes to brainstorming or clarifying complex concepts.

2. What are the drawbacks or disadvantages of studying or working in a group?

🔍One major drawback of group study is the unequal participation—some members may contribute less, leading to an unfair workload distribution. Additionally, disagreements and conflicts can arise, making it difficult to reach a consensus. Another issue is time management; scheduling meetings that suit everyone’s availability can be challenging. Lastly, distractions are common, as discussions may drift away from the main topic, reducing productivity.

3. What does one learn while working or studying in a group?

🔍Studying or working in a group teaches essential soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution. It helps individuals become more open to different perspectives, improving critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, group work enhances time management and adaptability, as members must coordinate tasks effectively. Most importantly, it builds collaborative skills, which are invaluable in professional settings.

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Ramadan-Related Words

1. Fasting (Ro‘za)

💬 Fasting during Ramadan teaches patience and self-control.

2. Suhoor (Suhur)

💬 We wake up early before dawn to have Suhoor before fasting begins.

3. Iftar ( Iftorlik)

💬 Families and friends gather to break their fast at Iftar.

4. Taraweeh prayers (Taroveh namozi)

💬 Many Muslims go to the mosque for Taraweeh prayers at night.

5. Supplication/Dua (Duo)

💬 We make special Dua before breaking our fast.

6. Zakat (Zakot)

💬 Giving Zakat helps the poor and purifies our wealth.

7. Charity/Sadaqah (Sadaqa)

💬 Helping others through Sadaqah brings blessings and rewards.

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⚡️ BUXORO MAKTABI o'quv markazida 2-mart kuni blok test tashkil etilmoqda!

📚 Fanlar:
✔️ Matematika + Fizika
✔️ Matematika + Ingliz tili
✔️ Matematika + Ona tili

📍 Manzil: Oydin filiali
🕘 2-mart | 09:00

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🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 yangi formatdagi Speaking testi uchun namunaviy savollar va misollar

🎙 Umid qilamizki, bu namunaviy savollar va javoblar CEFR imtihonining yangi formatidagi testiga tayyorlanishingizda yordam beradi!

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Common Speaking Collocations.pdf
🔥🔥🔥🔥 🗣🗣🗣🗣

🎙 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤



🆓 Hoping you can make the most of this source!

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🗺 CEFR Speaking Testiga Boruvchilar Uchun Yoʻnalish

🚂 Agar siz Bilimni Baholash Agentligi (sobiq DTM) binosiga borayotgan boʻlsangiz, Toshkent metrosida quyidagi yoʻnalish boʻyicha harakat qiling:

🔢 Rohat bekatidan Doʻstlik bekatiga boring.
2️⃣ Doʻstlik bekatidan esa Oybek bekatiga boring.
3️⃣ Ming Oʻrik bekatida tushib, Yunusobod yoʻliga oʻting.
4️⃣ Bodomzor bekatida tushib qoling – manzilga yetib keldingiz!

✊ Barchaga omad tilaymiz!

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🎙 Speaking Real Exam Questions

Part 1.1

1. Tell me about your best friend.
2. Do you like sports?
3. How often do you go out?

Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe online and face-to-face learning
2. Why online learning is becoming popular?
3. What are the advantages of face-to-face learning?

Part 2

1. Describe a place you like to visit when you are alone.
2. Why people feel alone?
3. What are the advantages of socialization?

Part 3

People should be allowed to carry guns.
(With for and against ideas)

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🏡 Collocations related to home

✈️Cramped– Too small and uncomfortable – juda kichkina va noqulay

🔺My friend lives in cramped rented accommodation near the university.
🔺Mening do’stim universitet yaqinidagi ijaraga olgan kichkina uyda yashaydi.

✈️Cozy – Small and comfortable – kichkina va qulay

🔺 I live in a dormitory as it is cozy.
🔺 Men yotoqxonada yashayman, chunki u kichik va qulay.

✈️A Run-of-the-Mill House – An ordinary house – oddiy va odatiy uy, ajablantiradigan hech narsa yo’q

🔺His family lived in a run-of-the-mill house in the countryside.
🔺Uning oilasi qishloqdagi oddiy uyda yashagan.

✈️Spacious – Large/Wide – keng va katta (sifat)

🔺My friend’s house has a spacious room.
🔺Mening do’stimning uyida keng va katta xonasi bor.

✈️Comfy – Comfortable – shinam, qulay

🔺I live in a comfy house with my family in Tashkent.
🔺Men oilam bilan Toshkentda shinam uyda yashayman.

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