🇺🇿 Yana bir xush habar: Shukurullo Akramov kanaldagi MUTLAQO TEKIN maslahatlarim va hujjatlar na'munasidan foydalanib 3-oliygohga grant asosida qabul qilinibti. Shukurulloni tabriklaymiz!!!
🇬🇧 Great news: Shukurullo Akramov, using my FREE advices and samples that I posted in the channel, got admitted to 3 universities and won several scholarships! Well done, Shukurullo!!!
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective
🇬🇧 Great news: Shukurullo Akramov, using my FREE advices and samples that I posted in the channel, got admitted to 3 universities and won several scholarships! Well done, Shukurullo!!!
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling:
👉🏿 @grant_detective