Abdulla Avazov | AA

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CEO of not knowing anything.

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Ingliz tiliga tayyorlanib yurganlar boʻlsa, speaking qilishga sherik yoʻq deydiganlar uchun maxsus AI.
CHatGPT'dan ancha yaxshi. Real odam bilan gaplashganday deyarli. Emotsiya qoʻshib gapirarkan.

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⚡️Sun’iy intellekt bilan muloqot qilish orqali ingliz tilida og’zaki nutqni yaxshilash uchun Sesame neyrotarmog’i chiqdi, u gapirish ohangi deyarli odamnikidan farq qilmaydigan eng yaxshi ovozli chatbot hisoblanadi.

Neyrotarmoq ovoz toni va tembrni o’zgartira oladi, u hatto pichirlab gaplashishni ham biladi, ingliz tilida so’zlashuvni yaxshilamoqchilar uchun ayni muddao.

👉 Sinab ko’rish uchun havola.

📟 DigiTech

"And my success is not but through Allah. Upon Him I have relied, and to Him I return." (11:88)

I did put in the hard work, but at the end of the day, this result feels like a gift from Allah—especially since it came just a day before my birthday! Perfect timing, right?

Actually, my exam was originally scheduled for December 28, but it got postponed. Then, I planned to take it on January 25, but it was delayed again. Finally, on my third attempt on February 13, I was able to sit for the test. Looking back, I truly believe all these delays were part of Allah’s plan. If I had taken the test in December, I’m sure I wouldn’t have even scored a 7.0. But in January and those first 13 days of February, I gave it my all. And now? I’ve got an incredible 7.5.

Alhamdulillah for everything.

Looking back, I’ve realized that my own formula for success is simple:

Hard work + Consistency + Duas of parents + Asking from Allah = Success

That’s what got me here, and that’s what will push me forward. On to the next goal!

Reflection post.

🎧 Listening – 7.5
Overall, the test felt quite manageable. Interestingly, I had encountered Part 1 before, yet I still made two errors. Additionally, I made two more mistakes in Part 4 - so close to a perfect score!

📖 Reading – 8.0
The first passage was somewhat challenging, but the rest of the test went smoothly. I believe my reading score is stronger than my other skills because I immerse myself in English. I translate my thoughts into English, complete my university homework in English, and exclusively read English materials, avoiding content in my native language, Uzbek. This consistent exposure has undoubtedly paid off.
By the way, I completed the reading test in 50 minutes instead of the full 60, which allowed me 10 extra minutes to refresh my thoughts and mentally prepare for the writing section. This brief pause helped me stay calm before moving on to the next part of the exam. Use your time wisely in reading.

✍️ Writing – 7.0
This was by far the toughest section for me. Although the tasks were straightforward, I struggled with time management. As a result, I was unable to complete Task 1 properly—I only managed to write an introduction, an overview, and a brief poor first body paragraph. In Task 2, I nearly completed but was unable to fully develop my ideas within the given time.
Interestingly, my expectations for writing were even lower than 7.0 because I felt I had performed poorly during the test. In fact, I had prepared myself for a score as low as 5.5 or 6.0! Fortunately, the result turned out much better than I had anticipated.

🗣️ Speaking – 6.5
Speaking remains my weakest skill. While I made a few minor mistakes, the biggest challenge was the online Zoom format, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I generally prefer in-person conversations, as they allow for better engagement and interaction.

- Таровех нечи ракаат укилади?
20 ракат.

- Таровеҳ намозининг нияти
“Каъба томонга юзланиб Таровеҳ намозини холис Аллоҳ учун имомга иқтидо қилган ҳолда ўқишни ният қилдим”.

- Сано дуоси ўқиладими?
Таровеҳ намозининг ҳар икки ракатининг биринчи ракатида имом ва қавм сано дуосини ўқийди (Субҳанакаллоҳумма ва биҳамдика ва табарокасмука ва таъала жаддука ва лаа илаҳа ғойрук).

- Таровеҳ намози нечи ракат?
Таровеҳ намози йигирма ракат. Ҳар икки ракатдан кейин салом берилади ва тўрт ракатдан сўнг тасбеҳ айтилади.

Juma, taroveh, ramazon.

And my success is not but through Allah. Upon Him I have relied, and to Him I return.


Abundance is harder to handle than scarcity

A well-known trick: Smart managers assign the most urgent tasks to the busiest or (second busiest) person in the office.

It's the human nature to get lazy, unmotivated,and dysfunctional when there's a plenty of time to squander.

The busier you are, the more active and efficient you become. The right amount of pressure shifts you into higher gear, adding vigor and purpose to your actions.

So, don't fall into these lies - whether they come from within or outside:

- You being employed doesn't mean you can't learn a skill.

- You being a full-time student doesn't mean you can't take a side hustle.

- You being a parent doesn't mean you can't take up a sport or hobby.

In essence, being busy is no excuse for neglecting the work that matters most to you.

Abdulla Avazov | AA

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Mana savol-da...

Xop, magistraturaga kirding, PhD, DsC, akademik ham bo'lding. O'zing xohlagandek yashash sharoitiga erishding. Taqvoying, iymoning, amaling xudo xohlasa o'z o'rnida.

Xop, keyinchi, keyin nima?

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Eng yaxshisini soʻrang.

Just in case.

Paradoks xolat.

Doimiy Real muxlisi boʻlgan lekin Cityga ham "Khusanov"dan keyin simpatiya uygʻongan odam uchun bugungi oʻyinni ozi gʻalati. Na xursand boʻlishni na xafa boʻlishni bilasan 🗿

Hala Madrid.

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London ❤️‍🔥🇬🇧

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