Agar darajangiz B2 bo‘lsa, quyidagi ma’lumotlarni albatta bilishingiz kerak!📢
🌹 Advanced connectors (murakkab bog‘lovchilar)
❌ Basic: I like coffee and tea.
✅ Advanced: I enjoy both coffee and tea.
😭 Basic: I was tired, but I finished my work.
✅ Advanced: Despite feeling tired, I managed to complete my work.
🌹 Idiomatic expressions (iboralardan foydalanish)
😭 Basic: I’m very happy.
✅ Advanced: I’m over the moon!
😭 Basic: It’s easy.
✅ Advanced: It’s a piece of cake!
🌹 Paraphrasing skills (boshqa so‘zlar bilan ifodalash)
😭 Basic: This book is very interesting.
✅ Advanced: This book is absolutely fascinating.
❌ Basic: She is really smart.
✅ Advanced: She is exceptionally intelligent.
🌹 Complex sentence structures (murakkab gap tuzish)
❌ Basic: I was late. The bus was delayed.
✅ Advanced: I was late because the bus was delayed.
🪐Agar post sizga yoqqan va foydali bo'lgan bo'lsa:
🤩saqlab oling
🤩reaksiya bosing
🤩mavzuga oid izoh qoldiring
✅ @ninersacademy
🌹 Advanced connectors (murakkab bog‘lovchilar)
❌ Basic: I like coffee and tea.
✅ Advanced: I enjoy both coffee and tea.
😭 Basic: I was tired, but I finished my work.
✅ Advanced: Despite feeling tired, I managed to complete my work.
🌹 Idiomatic expressions (iboralardan foydalanish)
😭 Basic: I’m very happy.
✅ Advanced: I’m over the moon!
😭 Basic: It’s easy.
✅ Advanced: It’s a piece of cake!
🌹 Paraphrasing skills (boshqa so‘zlar bilan ifodalash)
😭 Basic: This book is very interesting.
✅ Advanced: This book is absolutely fascinating.
❌ Basic: She is really smart.
✅ Advanced: She is exceptionally intelligent.
🌹 Complex sentence structures (murakkab gap tuzish)
❌ Basic: I was late. The bus was delayed.
✅ Advanced: I was late because the bus was delayed.
🪐Agar post sizga yoqqan va foydali bo'lgan bo'lsa:
🤩saqlab oling
🤩reaksiya bosing
🤩mavzuga oid izoh qoldiring
✅ @ninersacademy