❤️❤️❤️#vocabulary #useful #speaking #writing
Phrasal verbs (collocations) with Keep
➡️ Keep safe - xavdan saqlanmoq
➡️ Keep a secret - sir saqlamoq
➡️ Keep an appointment - kelishilgan vaqtda uchrashmoq
➡️ Keep busy - band bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep fit - yaxshi jismoniy holatda bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep smb waiting - kuttirmoq
➡️ Keep sb/sth quiet - shovqindan to'xtatmoq
➡️ Keep a diary - kundalik tutmoq
➡️ Keep a promise - va'dasini bajarmoq
➡️ Keep score - hisoblamoq
➡️ Keep still - harakatlanmaslik
➡️ Keep going - davom etmoq
➡️ Keep in touch - aloqada bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep quiet - juda past ovoz chiqarmoq
➡️ Keep records - ma'lumot saqlamoq
👉 @IELTS_9_Rasmiy kanalga kirish 💎
Phrasal verbs (collocations) with Keep
➡️ Keep safe - xavdan saqlanmoq
➡️ Keep a secret - sir saqlamoq
➡️ Keep an appointment - kelishilgan vaqtda uchrashmoq
➡️ Keep busy - band bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep fit - yaxshi jismoniy holatda bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep smb waiting - kuttirmoq
➡️ Keep sb/sth quiet - shovqindan to'xtatmoq
➡️ Keep a diary - kundalik tutmoq
➡️ Keep a promise - va'dasini bajarmoq
➡️ Keep score - hisoblamoq
➡️ Keep still - harakatlanmaslik
➡️ Keep going - davom etmoq
➡️ Keep in touch - aloqada bo'lmoq
➡️ Keep quiet - juda past ovoz chiqarmoq
➡️ Keep records - ma'lumot saqlamoq
👉 @IELTS_9_Rasmiy kanalga kirish 💎