♦️Heat up - make food hot.
➖ He heated the soup up in the microwave.
♦️peck at - eat very small amounts
➖ The food wasn't very nice, so I pecked at it to look polite.
♦️Pick at - eat unwillingly.
➖ I wasn't very hungry so I just picked at my food.
♦️Pig out - eat a lot.
➖ The food was great, so I really pigged out.
♦️Play with - not eat much of a meal.
➖ I wasn't hungry, so I just played with the food.
♦️Plough through - eat a big meal.
➖ We ploughed through all seven courses.
♦️Put on - get fat.
➖ He's put on a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.
♦️Heat up - make food hot.
➖ He heated the soup up in the microwave.
♦️peck at - eat very small amounts
➖ The food wasn't very nice, so I pecked at it to look polite.
♦️Pick at - eat unwillingly.
➖ I wasn't very hungry so I just picked at my food.
♦️Pig out - eat a lot.
➖ The food was great, so I really pigged out.
♦️Play with - not eat much of a meal.
➖ I wasn't hungry, so I just played with the food.
♦️Plough through - eat a big meal.
➖ We ploughed through all seven courses.
♦️Put on - get fat.
➖ He's put on a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.