Ella's Notes🍂

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Falling in love with teaching using technologies.

Teacher: Visola opa
📓Topic: Types of Films
🧑‍🏫Class : 9th
📍The 20th school in Yuqori Chirchiq district, Tashkent region

Alhamdulillah time and time again I'm witnessing that Allah has better plans for us.

P.S : I was highly dissatisfied with my first placement. The second turned out to be full of discoveries.

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Cambridge English Webinar for teachers in Central Asia by Ben Herbert
on Saturday 8 February from 11:00 to 13:00 (Uzbekistan Time).

11.00 - 11.45 TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)
11.45 - 12.30 B2 FIRST: Cambridge English Qualifications
12.30 - 13.00 CELTA: Cambridge Teaching Qualifications

Link for Registration🔗


Assalomu alaykum, hammaga.
Iltimos, biroz vaqt ajratib mana shu survey ni to'ldirib berila.🙏
I need it for my research paper. The survey is intended for all English teachers at schools, universities, and tutors.

Thank you a lot in advance.


MashaAllah reading this article can motivate you to choose the hard work - ultimately the high-flow work, which eventually pays off (unlike cheap entertainment activities)

p.s: The article sent by my teacher advisor at uni.

Forward from: Shahlo Samanova
Read, analyse as the text is about the work that you have to do (the work that pays off)


If you are preparing for IELTS right now, you might want to check out Chris's YouTube channel (especially to elevate your speaking skills)

Don't forget to practice your answers by speaking more as well! Because unless we speak even the greatest teaching videos can be of zero benefit.😁

Forward from: Mirzo Zominiy
“Maqtanish yoki nolish emas, bu bizning har kunlik sumkamiz. Yevropada talabalarining odatiy sumkasi shunday ko’rinadi. Hamisha daftar-kitobga to’la. Bu yerda kichik, hech narsa sig’maydigan, nomigagina sumka bo’lgan, masalan “bananka” taqib yurgan talabani ko’rmaysiz. Kutubxonalar, talabalar o’qishi uchun maxsus o’quv binolarida bo’sh joy zo’rg’a topasiz. Parta yetmasa, yerda o’tirib ham vazifa qilishadi.

Afsuski, bizda hali hamon buning teskarisi. Qancha talabalarni ko’rdim, faqat bir yoki ikkita daftar bilan o’quv yilini yakunlagan.

Bu yerda talabalar qanday kiyinishga, nima kiyishga qiziqmaydi. Juda boy oiladan bo’lgan talabalar ham shu eski oyoq kiyim, eski rusumdagi telefon, 10 yillik rugzak bilan yuradi.

Afsuski, bizda odatda eng so’nggi texnika, kiyim bo’yicha kim o’zar qilishadi.

Bu yerda telefon, kiyim yoki mashina bilan emas, bilimingiz bilangina odamlarni hayratlantira olasiz. Faqat va faqat bilim bilan”.

Akbar Ibragimov


I've got an idea, guys. Why don't we pray for each other in our prayers asking Allah to guide us to achieve our goals for 2025?
Please pray for me.🤲
I will also pray for all the peope in this channel InshaAllah.

📌Goals for 2025:

1. Writing my Research paper well in advance of the deadline👩‍💻
2. Making at least 20 audiobooks🎙
3. Memorising Juz Amma( learning tajweed, xatm 4 times)🌿
4. Always try to eat healthy (AMAP)
And do exercise (even little) every morning🏃‍♀‍➡️

5. Finishing my SMM course (applying my knowledge on Yaqin projects) and get the Certificate from Najot ta'lim🎇

6. Enrolling and being accepted for Master's program🏢

7. Publishing at least 3 articles in a scientific journal📝

8. Duolingo 700 day streak/
100.000 XP

9. Writing and Memorising the 11 duas above✍

10. Finishing online teacher training course(Futurelearn)⚡️ / studying other free online courses(at least 3) for self-deveopment💎

11. Studying in online or offline CELTA/TEFL course🫶

12. Learn to solve a Ruby's Cube 🎲
13. Doing a paid internship(maybe logistics) + volunteering for islamic organizations(free quran education), voluntering for ted translators)

14. Visiting some other country🌄(Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Korea) InshaAllah
15. Increase my Iymaan, my taqwa and surround myself with people who are more intelligent than me/ not being afraid of dreaming big and working hard to achieve them.

Beating my Laziness!!!!!!
Not lying on the bed like a loser.
Not making others guilty for my own mistakes.
Being disciplined
Being on Time!!!🎯

These must not be just words. I must leave up to them.


Thank you wholeheartedly, for sending me these, my friend🤍

Forward from: Easy Freelancing
Seems like I never told the results?

It was 8

If you are also preparing for IELTS, here is an awesome tool that can help you practice speaking & writing: @LexicoAIBot

I have been talking to this bot a lot lately😄

More info: https://t.me/ElbekningCSharpDarslari/602

One of our best friends, please, can you like and leave a comment on this post?🤗

Forward from: Peshqadam Karvoni

Gapirishdan oldin o‘yla. O‘ylashdan oldin kitob o‘qi.

✍️Fren Lebovitz

📌Andijon viloyati, Asaka tumani
🏠Yaqubovlar oilasi

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Design a lesson plan — short version


I am a [Enter your role]. Write a lesson plan that will help my [Enter grade level and subject] students [Enter learning objectives]. Our class is [number] minutes long. The lesson plan should include a section for [Enter desired lesson plan structure].

Generate a review activity — short version


I am a [Enter your role]. Develop an engaging activity that will enable [Enter grade level and subject] students to review [Enter content and material]. This activity should help students achieve [Enter learning objectives] in [number] minutes.

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