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#BLUM Qo’shila olmayotgan bo’lsangiz faqat shu pastdagi link bn qo’shilishingiz mumkin

Narxi eng qimmat bo’lishi kutilyotgan crypto.


🧩Collocations with 'Take'

✅Take a bite ✅Take a bow
✅Take a call ✅Take a break
✅Take a class ✅Take a chance
✅Take a decision ✅Take a holiday
✅Take a look ✅Take a lesson
✅Take a message ✅Take a nap
✅Take a number ✅Take a photo
✅Take a rest ✅Take a picture
✅Take a risk ✅Take a seat
✅Take a step ✅Take a shower
✅Take a plane ✅Take a taxi/bus
✅Take a while ✅Take a test
✅Take advice ✅Take action
✅Take ages ✅Take advantage
✅Take a course ✅Take an exam
✅Take your time ✅Take care
✅Take charge ✅Take care of
✅Take exercise ✅Take drugs
✅Take medicine ✅Take hostage
✅Take notice ✅Take notes
✅Take place ✅Take part
✅Take prisoner ✅Take pride in
✅Take time ✅Take sb’s place
✅Take up space ✅Take time off

#collocation 🔗 @IELTS_Ingliz_tilini

10.6k 0 144 13 89

Now let's go ....... to our weather forecaster, Mary.
  •   on
  •   out
  •   over
  •   against
3574 votes

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Eileen and Miranda have been best friends ....... third grade.
  •   after
  •   during
  •   from
  •   since
4258 votes

15.5k 0 71 39 110

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Please place the umbrella stand ....... the door.
  •   across
  •   beside
  •   through
  •   before
3763 votes

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May I ask you whether you have had a chance to ....... my case?
  •   convene
  •   consider
  •   contend
  •   construct
5516 votes

20.5k 0 102 45 169

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Agatha Christie lived with ....... family in England.
  •   her
  •   his
  •   their
5704 votes

19.1k 0 99 73 128

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IELTS Vocabulary ⅞
Technology and Computer 🖥

💥 Band 7+

= not real
Digital = computerized
Embrace = accept eagerly
Online = via the internet
Addicted = obsessed
Secure = safe
Cutting-edge = the latest
Cyber bullying = attacking online
Technological = related to tech
Dated = old-fashioned

⚡️ Band 8+

= domestic machine
Creativity = imagination / ingenuity
Surpass = do or be better than
Run-down = in a bad condition
Hardware = the phys. parts of PC
Upgrade = improve the quality
Innovative = a new use of something
Devise = come up with = invent
Equipped = have(a tool) included
Computerized = controlled by computer


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DTM test topshirib o’qishga kirdingizmi? 🤔
  •   Ha, men kirdim 😇
  •   Yo’q, men kiraolmadim 🙁
3600 votes

15k 0 27 95 171

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Vocabulary. Synonyms.


15.7k 0 212 30 83

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You must not drink and then ....... a car.
  •   lead
  •   drive
  •   take
  •   guide
5709 votes

15.4k 0 84 64 174

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🎨I take a different view
🎨I think otherwise
🎨I'm afraid that is not quite true
🎨I'm afraid I disagree
🎨No way
🎨I beg to differ
🎨Not at all
🎨I don't think so
🎨Not necessarily
🎨That's not always the case
🎨That's not always true
🎨I totally disagree


18.6k 0 126 33 100

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To most people it seemed like a long and successful relationship and so it was a great surprise to learn that they had ....... with each other.
  •   ends
  •   ended
  •   finishes
  •   finished
5086 votes

17.4k 0 77 60 101

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I ....... go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.
  •   must
  •   must to
  •   had to
5816 votes

16.7k 0 88 101 153

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IELTS Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯

1. dispose of - yo'q qilmoq

dispose of sb/sth phrasal verb
to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that the matter is finished

How did they dispose of the body?
Ular tanani qanday yo'q qilishdi?

2. include - ichiga olmoq, qamrab olish

/ɪnˈkluːd/ verb [ T ]
to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something else

The bill includes tax and service.
Qonun loyihasi soliq va xizmatlarni o'z ichiga oladi.

3. legislate - qonun chiqarmoq

/ˈledʒ.ɪ.sleɪt/ verb [ I ] formal
If a government legislates, it makes a new law

They promised to legislate against cigarette advertising.
Ular sigaret reklamasiga qarshi qonun chiqarishga va'da berishdi.

4. estimate - baholamoq, aytmoq

/ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/ verb [ T ]
to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something

Government sources estimate a long-term 50% increase in rail fares.
Hukumat manbalari temir yo'l tariflarining uzoq muddatli 50% ga oshishini taxmin qilmoqda.

5. debate - muhokama

/dɪˈbeɪt/ noun [ C or U ]
(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part
2. [ I or T ] to discuss a subject in a formal way

Education is the current focus of public debate.
Ta'lim masalasi hozirgi kunda jamoatchilik muhokamasining markazida.

6. unique - noyob

/jʊˈniːk/ adjective
being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way

I'd recognise your handwriting anywhere - it's unique.
Men sizning qo'l yozuvingizni hamma joyda tanigan bo'lardim - bu noyob.

7. transition - o'tish vaqti, o'zgarish

/trænˈzɪʃ. ə n/ noun [ C or U ]
a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens

The health-care system is in transition at the moment.
Ayni paytda sog'liqni saqlash tizimi o'tish davrida


16.3k 0 135 21 92

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And the following programmes are all ....... as far as I'm concerned.
  •   boring
  •   bored
  •   board
  •   boarding
4887 votes

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Other words for "many" and "a lot of"

✅plenty of
✅a bunch of
✅ several
✅heaps of
✅loads of
✅tons of
✅a great deal of

Can you add to the list?

#synoym #vocabulary


16.1k 0 125 36 75

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So'z boyligimizni oshiramiz
🚩 Predlogli birikmalar

💥 After all = ga qaramasdan
💥 All along = har doim
💥 All of a sudden = to'satdan
💥 All the same = bir xil
💥 Angry with = achchiqlanmoq
💥 As a rule = odatda
💥 As far as I am concerned = mening fikrimcha
💥 As for me = meni o'ylashimcha
💥 Be about to = tayyor bo'lmoq
💥 Be back on ones feet = healthy again or better financially
💥 Be beside oneself = juda havotirlangan, achchiqlangan
💥 Be in the red = qarzga botmoq
💥 Bored by = charchagan bo'lmoq
💥 Capable of = ga qobilyatli bo'lmoq
💥 Confused by = yanglishmoq
💥 Come across = to'satdan ko'rib qolmoq
💥 Catch ones eye = e'tiborini tortmoq
💥 Dressed in = kiyinib olgan
💥 Disappointed by = dan norozi bo'lmoq
💥 Fed up with = joniga tegmoq
💥 Famous for = mashxur
💥 Frightened by =qo'rqmoq
💥 Envious of = ichi qoralik qilmoq
💥 Exhausted from = charchagan, horigan


16.1k 0 287 19 79

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Adjectives for size and shape: (B2/C1)

Very small:
✅a minuscule piece of cloth
✅itsy-bitsy spider
✅a tiny spot
✅a dainty feet
✅an infinitesimal dose
✅a dwarf cherry tree

Very big:
✅bulky lagguage
✅a colossal sum
✅a gargantuan meal
✅a gigantic wave
✅a vast room
✅a mammoth task

Can you continue the list in the comments?


15k 0 122 44 36
20 last posts shown.