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"DOWN" Phrasal Verbs in English: close down, bring down, break down...
#PhrasalVerbs #VideoLesson

Grammar test for @OnlineEnglishTest1

1.The doctor …thr cute on my knee and said it had completely healed up.

a) investigated b) researched c) examined d) looked into

2. Dr Parker gave my mum a lovely … for spaghetti carbonora .

a) receipe b) prescription c) receipt d) paper

3 . My feet are … . I guess my new shoes are a bit tight.

a) injured b) damaged c) broken d) spoilt

4 I was shocked when I crashed the car , but st least I was not …. .

a) injured b) damaged c) broken d) spoilt

5 . Diana looks terribly … .You don’t think she is ill , do you ?

a) slim b) thin b) slender d) slight

6. Some drugs produce bad side … .

a) consequence b) products c) results d) effects

7 . I was very sad when the vet said he had have to … Gertie , our labarador .

a) put down b) pull through c) feel up to d) wear off

8 . Going on this diet has really … me good . I have lost weight and I feel fantastic .

a) made b) taken c) done d) had

9. I was disappointed that the restaurant had … flowers on the table .

a) false b) untrue c) artifical d) forged

10 . Sarah and Michaek’s … seems to make both of them unhappy .

a) connection b) bond c) relationship d) link

11. Anybody found stealing from this shop will be …

a) prosecuted b) persuaded c) provoked d) persecuted

12 . Grace thinks she is very … , but I don’t think many people like her , really .

a) famous b) known c) recognizable d) popular

13 . I galansed at the newspaper and saw that the … said ‘President Resigns’

a) headline b) subtitle d) heading d) chapter

14 . If our flight is delayed , will we … our connection in Los Angeles ?

a) drop b) misss c) lose d) lack

15 , Let me… you a nice warm bath and you will feel a lot better .

A) make b) run c) get d) build

16 . When the snake bit Mike in the forest , he knew was … serious danger .

a) to b) wiyh c) on d) in

17 .Being … an injection was not as painfull as I thought it was going to be .

a) given b) done c) made c) taken

18 . Hello ? Yes . I would like to … an appointment for tomorrow with Dr Fletcher , please .

A) from b) do c) break d) make

19 .My grandfather’s over 95 and is … pretty poor health these days .

a) on b) to c) with d) in

20 . I was told to … yhe medicine three times a day , before meals .

A) take b) eat c) get d) do

21 .I like to … fit by going ti the gym at least twice a week .

a) continue b) make c) keep d) set

22. Eat you vegetables . They will … you good .

a) make b) get c) have d) do

23. The key to losing weight is to … more exercise /

a) get b) make c) go d) create

24 . You should try to … an alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat .

a) make b) find d0 take d) do

25 . I am going to make a real effort to get … shape for the summer .

a) on b) to c) in d) from

26 Try spreading something low fat … your bread instead of butter .

a) in b) through c) around d) on

27 . … I have a look at those shoes in the window , please ?

a) must b) would c) should d) could

28 . We … pay for the tickets as Josie won them in a competition .

a) mustn’t b) didn’t have to c) couldn’t d) hadn’t to

29 . You really … make such a mountain out of a molehill .

a) can’t b) won’t c) mightn’t d ) shouldn’t

30 . You won’t … to connect to the internet once you have got broadband as you are online twenty- four hours a day .

a) need b) must c) ought d) able

Online test

💡 Bilib qo'ygan yaxshi

▪️Lonely va alone so'zlarining farqini ko'p so'rashadi, o'zbek tilida mazkur so'zlar yolg'iz deb tarjima qilinsada, ingliz tilida bir-biridan ancha farq qiladi.

▪️lonely - (ruhan) yolg'iz degan ma'noda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I often feel lonely if I travel abroad.

▪️lonely soʻzi joyga nisbatan qoʻllanilganda, uzoqdagi, kimsasiz degan ma'no beradi.
🔸Dartmoor is a wild and lonely place.

▪️alone - yolg'iz, bir oʻz(lar)i degan ma'nolarda qoʻllaniladi, lekin ot oldidan uni qo'llash grammatik xato hisoblanadi.
🔸He prefers to be alone. He is the least sociable person in the class.
🔸Leave the children alone.

▪️Quyidagi misol bu soʻzlarning ma'nolarini yanada ochib beradi.
🔸She lives alone and often feels lonely. (U bir oʻzi yashaydi va oʻzini ruhan yoʻlgiz his qiladi)


Is it better now to find listening for activities ?

CD 3, Track 2, Unit 3 Act 19,20 Unit 4 Act 1-10, pages 53-65

CD 3, Track 1, Unit 3 Act 10-18
pages 45-52

CD 2, Track 2, Unit 2 Act 16-20, Unit 3 Act 1-9, pages 31-44

CD 2, Track 1, Unit 2, Act 4-15
pages 23-30

CD 1, Track 2, Unit 1, Listening Act 14-20, Unit 2 Act 1-3,
pages 15-23

CD 1, Track 1, Unit 1, Listening act 1-13, pages 4-14

To make Listening practice more easily, I decided to send them again from the beginning and this time I will include activities, unit number, pages of listening too, hope you find it useful


🔖 So'zlashuvdagi iboralar

💠 Tashakkur, maqtov, minnaddorchilik.

🔻 I'm proud of you - Siz bilan faxrlanaman

🔻 I have always been proud of you - Men siz bilan doim faxrlanganman

🔻 Although this is the first time, you did a good job - Birinchi marta bo'lishiga qaramasdan yaxshi ishladingiz.

🔻 You get finished quickly. Well established - Ishni tez tugatibsiz, Yaxshi ishladingiz.

🔻 You learn quickly to work - Ishni tez o'rganar ekansiz.

🔻 You are healthy - Siz sog'lomsiz

🔻 I can not know how to express to you my gratitude - Sizga qanday qilib minnatdorchilik bildirishni bilmayman

🔻 Thank you for being nice to me - Menga yaxshi munosabatda bo'lganingiz uchun rahmat

🔻 I did it because I wanted - O'zim hohlaganim uchun shunday qildim

🔻 It's my pleasure! - Arzimaydi

🔻 Congratulations - Tabriklayman

🔻 Good - Yaxshi
🔎📚 @English_Uchquduq 🔎📚 @OnlineEnglishTest1

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