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It's the end of the day, but this video made my day😂

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📝 Exercise

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🔥 Advanced Grammar

Clause of Purpose

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💡The difference between "used to" and "would" for habits

Both "used to" and "would" can describe past habits, but they have some subtle differences:

1. "Used to" for Past Habits and States
"Used to" is used for actions or states that were true in the past but no longer happen or exist.

• It’s suitable for both repeated actions (habits) and states (situations or conditions) in the past.

- I used to play the piano when I was a child. (habit)
- She used to live in Spain. (state)

2. "Would" for Repeated Actions (Habits)
"Would" is only used to describe repeated actions or habits in the past, not past states.

• It emphasizes the idea of a routine or repeated action.

- On weekends, we would go to the park. (habit)
- Every summer, my family would go camping. (habit)

🗝 Key Difference:
• Use "used to" for both habits and states.
• Use "would" only for past habits or actions that happened multiple times, not for past states.

- I used to play the guitar (habit) vs. I would play the guitar every evening (repeated action).
- I used to have long hair (state) — "would" cannot replace "used to" here.

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Bilamiz, IELTS speaking assistant app 100% ishonchli.✅
Oldin speaking part 2 va 3 da 50ta mavzu bo’lar edi. Hozir esa eng
kamida 91ta.🌊🌪
Qanday yechim qilamiz ?
Birinchi o’rinda men o’zim 90ta mavzuni kategoriyalarga bo’lib chiqdim.

1)person 2) place 3) thing 4) activity 5) experience 6) your favourites/
odd topics.

Va IELTS imtihoniga tayyorlanayotgan barcha uchun juda qo'l keladigan, ularning vocabularysini va ideyalarini tejaydigan, eng asosiysi vaqtdan yutish imkonini beradigan qo'llanma tuzib chiqdim.

Bu qo'llanma bitta insonni, joyni, mashg'ulotni, voqeani yoki narsani ko'proq Part 2 savollariga moslab gapirishga imkon beradi. ✅
Masalan, old person, famous person, a person who encouraged you to do something, role model kabi mavzularga yigitlar Arnold Schwanzenegger ni bemalol gapirish mumkin. 🤗⚡️⚡️

Bu material dan quruq qolmang😔 va vaqtdan yuting, albatta as qotadi🤩
Kitobni olish 👇👇


Topic based vocabulary for house 🏡

🏠Build a house - uy qurmoq

🏠Share a house - uyni birga ijaraga olib yashash

🏠Demolish a house - uyni buzib tashamoq

🏠Renovate a house - uyni rekonstruksiya qilmoq

🏠Break into a house - uyga bostirib kirmoq (nimadir oʻgʻirlash uchun)

🏠Move house - koʻchib oʻtmoq

🏠Live in a house - uyda yashamoq

🏠Stay at someone's house - kimnidir uyida qolmoq

🏠Pass someone's house - kimnidir uyi yonidan oʻtmoq

🏠Lock yourself out of the house - uyda qulflanib qolmoq

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:
➡️ @Multilevelexam

Passage: The man who smiled at the girl wore glasses Question: The man smiled at the girl
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
256 votes

Passage: He eats dinner after he does his homework Question: He does his homework at midnight
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
217 votes

Passage: Animals that are hungry need to eat more Question: All animals need to eat more
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
215 votes

📌True, False or Not given

🧾Bunday turlarining javoblari matn ichida ko'pincha ketma-ketlikda beriladi

⚠️Agar siz savolda berilgan har bitta so'zni matn ichida borligini isbotlab bera olsangiz true yoki matn ichida bunday emas uning aksi berilganini isbotlab berolsangiz javob false bo'ladi.

💬Passage: Most doctors like to help people

💬Question: All doctors like to help people

✅Answer: False

📊Chunki savolda so'ralgan ma'lumot qarama-qarshi tarzda berilgan. Siz hamma doct
or lar emas ko'pi yordam berishini isbotlay olasiz.

⚠️Agar savolda berilgan ma'lumotni t
o'g'riligini ham xatoligini ham isbotlay olmasangiz not given bo'ladi.

💬Passage: A man looked at me

💬Question: A man with glasses looked at me

swer: not given

📊Chunki siz u kishini ko'zoynagi bormi yoki yo'qmi matn da uni isbotlay olamaysiz.

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:

Tashlayotgan narsalarimni foydasi tegyaptimi oʻzi?🧐

A simple sentence is one that starts with the subject and the verb. In picture description questions, people tend to start their sentences with “I see” or “There is.” These are simple sentences with low grammatical complexity that will result in lower scores.

The easiest way to use fewer simple sentences and increase the grammatical complexity of your responses is to use connecting words. These are words that connect two ideas together and result in longer, more complex sentences.

Here is a list of connecting words, with examples:

And - va
- I like ice cream, and I like cake.

But - ammo, lekin
- I like cake, but I don’t like chocolate.

So - shuning uchun
- I want to be successful, so I work hard.

Yet - lekin
- The test was difficult, yet I passed.

However - biroq
- We want to get pizza. However, the restaurant is closed today.

Which - ...gan, qaysiki
- We played soccer, which is my favorite sport.

Because - chunki
- I’m tired because I played 2 soccer matches yesterday.

Therefore - shuning uchun
- I didn’t study for the test. Therefore, I got a bad score.

Moreover - bundan tashqari
- I like walking to school because I get some exercise. Moreover, I get to spend more time outside.

In fact - aslida
- I love the beach. In fact, it’s my favorite place in the world.

For example - masalan
- There are many great cities in the world. For example, Paris has great food and museums.

First, second, third - birinchidan, ikkinchidan, uchinchidan
- I prefer the mountains to the beach. First, the mountains are closer to my house. Second, there are fewer people in the mountains. Third, the air is cleaner.

In addition to - shu bilan birga
- Learning new languages opens up many doors in addition to being fun to learn.

It’s important that you use these connecting words correctly. Otherwise, your writing will get worse, not better.

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:
➡️ @MultilevelExam

Try to describe this. Use the "5 Wʼs" strategy. You don't have to use all of them.

Leave your answers in the comment!

Osh boʻlsin🍔

Describing pictures @MultilevelExam.pdf
💥Use the “5 W’s” strategy to structure your response while you're describing a picture

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:
➡️ @Multilevelexam

Ueful vocabulary for ielts.PDF
💎Formal words for writing

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:
➡️ @Multilevelexam

🧾There is nothing better / worse than doing something
✅Nimadir qilishdan yaxshiroq / yomonroq narsa yo’q

📌 I prefer drinking coffee to tea. This is because there is nothing better than having a cup of coffee in the morning.

📌 There is nothing worse than spending a lot of time on social media

📌 There is nothing worse than being late for the lesson

📌 There is nothing better than travelling around the world

✔️ Kanalga ulanish:
➡️ @Multilevelexam


🔴A whale of time = enjoyable time
- I had a whale of time during my holiday.

🩷Have a penchant for smth = I like
- I have a penchant for playing football.

🔵Once in a while = sometimes
- I have a party with my friends once in a while.

🟢Let my hair down = relax, refresh
- I usually watch TV to let my hair down after working hard

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📌Grammar structures

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➡️ @Multilevelexam

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