🇺🇸 horn
🇺🇿 Shox
1. The bull has sharp horns to defend itself from predators.
Buqa yirtqichlardan himoya qilish uchun o'tkir shoxlarga ega.
2. The goat climbed the rock and scratched its horn against it.
Echki toshga chiqib, shoxini unga ishqadi.
3. Deer use their antler-like horns to fight during mating season.
Bug'ular juftlash mavsumida jang qilish uchun shoxlariga o'xshash shoxlarini ishlatadi.
4. The rhino's horn is made of keratin, the same material as human nails.
Karkidonning shoxi keratindan iborat, bu inson tirnoqlarining materialiga o'xshaydi.
5. Cows with long horns are often seen in traditional villages.
An'anaviy qishloqlarda uzun shoxli sigirlarni tez-tez uchratish mumkin.
🇺🇸 horn
🇺🇿 Shox
1. The bull has sharp horns to defend itself from predators.
Buqa yirtqichlardan himoya qilish uchun o'tkir shoxlarga ega.
2. The goat climbed the rock and scratched its horn against it.
Echki toshga chiqib, shoxini unga ishqadi.
3. Deer use their antler-like horns to fight during mating season.
Bug'ular juftlash mavsumida jang qilish uchun shoxlariga o'xshash shoxlarini ishlatadi.
4. The rhino's horn is made of keratin, the same material as human nails.
Karkidonning shoxi keratindan iborat, bu inson tirnoqlarining materialiga o'xshaydi.
5. Cows with long horns are often seen in traditional villages.
An'anaviy qishloqlarda uzun shoxli sigirlarni tez-tez uchratish mumkin.