English language Vocabulary

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🇺🇸 Pacifier
🇺🇿 So'rg'ich

1. The baby stopped crying as soon as she got her pacifier.
Chaqaloq sórg'ichni olishi bilan yig‘lashni to‘xtatdi.

2. Parents often use a pacifier to calm their newborns.
Ota-onalar ko‘pincha yangi tug‘ilgan chaqaloqlarini tinchlantirish uchun sórg'ich ishlatishadi.

3. She forgot to bring the baby's pacifier, so he kept crying.
U chaqaloqning sórg'ichini olib kelishni unutdi, shuning uchun bola tinmay yig‘ladi.

4. Some doctors advise against using a pacifier for too long.
Ba'zi shifokorlar sórg'ichni uzoq vaqt ishlatishni tavsiya etmaydi.

5. The pacifier fell on the floor, so they had to wash it before giving it back to the baby.
So'rg'ich yerga tushib ketdi, shuning uchun uni chaqaloqqa berishdan oldin yuvish kerak edi.


🇺🇸 Stroller
🇺🇿 Kolyaska

1. I bought a new stroller for my baby last week.
(O‘tgan hafta chaqam uchun yangi bolalar aravachasini sotib oldim.)

2. She put her baby in the stroller and went for a walk.
(U bolasini bolalar aravachasiga joylab, sayrga chiqdi.)

3. The stroller has a sunshade to protect the baby from the sun.
(Bolalar aravachasida chaqaloqni quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi soyabon bor.)

4. He folded the stroller and put it in the car.
(U bolalar aravachasini yig‘ib, mashinaga joyladi.)

5. The wheels of the stroller got stuck in the sand.
(Bolalar aravachasining g‘ildiraklari qumga tiqilib qoldi.)

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🇺🇸 Lead (or Leash )
🇺🇿 It bo'yinbog'i

1. If you don’t hold the lead tightly, the dog might run away.
Agar ipni mahkam ushlamasangiz, it qochib ketishi mumkin.

2. The lead was so long that the dog could easily reach the other side of the park.
Ip shunchalik uzun ediki, it parkning narigi tomoniga bemalol yetib bora oldi.

3. Since the lead was broken, she had to carry the dog back home.
Ip uzilgani uchun, u itni uyga ko‘tarib borishga majbur bo‘ldi.

4. Even though the lead was new, it snapped when the dog pulled hard.
Ip yangi bo‘lsa ham, it qattiq tortganda u uzilib ketdi.

5. She bought a stronger lead so that her dog wouldn’t break it again.
U it yana uzib yubormasligi uchun mustahkamroq ip sotib oldi.


🇺🇸 Pond
🇺🇿 Hovuz

1. The ducks are swimming in the pond.
(Oʻrdaklar hovuzda suzishyapti.)

2. There is a small pond in the middle of the park.
(Parkning oʻrtasida kichik bir hovuz bor.)

3. He threw a stone into the pond, and it made ripples.
(U hovuzga tosh tashladi va toʻlqinlar paydo boʻldi.)

4. The fish in the pond are very colorful.
(Hovuzdagi baliqlar juda rang-barang.)

5. We sat by the pond and enjoyed the peaceful view.
(Biz hovuz yonida oʻtirib, osoyishta manzaradan zavq oldik.)


🇺🇸 A first aid kit box
🇺🇿 Birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisi

1. Every car should have a first aid kit box in case of an emergency.
Har bir mashinada favqulodda vaziyatlar uchun birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisi bo‘lishi kerak.

2. She bought a first aid kit box for her hiking trip.
U tog‘ga sayohat qilish uchun birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini sotib oldi.

3. Can you check if there are enough bandages in the first aid kit box?
Birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisida yetarlicha bint borligini tekshira olasanmi?

4. The teacher showed the students how to use a first aid kit box properly.
O‘qituvchi o‘quvchilarga birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini to‘g‘ri ishlatishni ko‘rsatdi.

5. We keep a first aid kit box in the kitchen in case of minor injuries.
Biz kichik jarohatlar uchun oshxonada birinchi tibbiy yordam qutisini saqlaymiz.


🇺🇸 Sleigh
🇺🇿 Chana

1. Santa Claus rides his sleigh across the sky on Christmas Eve.
Santa Klaus Rojdestvo arafasida osmon bo‘ylab chanasida yuradi.

2. The reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh full of gifts.
Shimol bug‘ulari Santa Klausning sovg‘alar bilan to‘la chanasini tortadi.

3. Children were excited to see Santa's sleigh land on the rooftop.
Bolalar Santa Klausning chanasining tomga qo‘nishini ko‘rib xursand bo‘lishdi.

4. The elves carefully loaded presents onto Santa’s sleigh.
Elflar ehtiyotkorlik bilan sovg‘alarni Santa Klausning chanasiga joylashtirishdi.

5. Santa waved from his sleigh as he flew away.
Santa Klaus chanasidan qo‘l silkib, osmonga uchib ketdi.


🇺🇸 Wrench
🇺🇿 kluch

1. The mechanic grabbed a wrench to tighten the bolts on the engine.
Mexanik dvigatel murvatlarini mahkamlash uchun kalit oldi.

2. You need a larger wrench to loosen this rusty nut.
Bu zanglagan gaykani bo‘shatish uchun kattaroq kalit kerak.

3. He used an adjustable wrench to fix the broken pipe.
U siniq quvurni tuzatish uchun sozlanadigan kalit ishlatdi.

4. The plumber pulled out a wrench to repair the leaking faucet.
Santexnik oqayotgan kranni tuzatish uchun kalit oldi.

5. I always keep a wrench in my toolbox for quick repairs.
Men har doim tezkor ta’mirlash uchun asboblar qutimda kalit saqlayman.


🇺🇸 Cane
🇺🇿 Hassa

1. Bu keksa odam har doim yurish uchun hassa olib yuradi.
(This old man always carries a cane for walking.)

2. Men tog‘amga tug‘ilgan kunida yog‘och hassa sovg‘a qildim.
(I gave my uncle a wooden cane as a birthday gift.)

3. Bobomning hassasi juda eski, lekin u hanuzgacha undan foydalanadi.
(My grandfather's cane is very old, but he still uses it.)

4. Uzoq yurishdan keyin oyog‘im og‘ridi, shuning uchun hassa olib oldim.
(After walking a long distance, my leg hurt, so I took a cane.)

5. Do‘konda turli xil naqshli hassalar sotilayotgan ekan.
(Different patterned canes were being sold in the store.)


🇺🇸 Lid
🇺🇿 qopqoq

Here are five example sentences with "lid" and their Uzbek translations:

1. She put the lid back on the jar after using the honey.
U asal ishlatgandan keyin banka qopqog‘ini qaytib yopdi.

2. The pot was boiling, so he removed the lid to let the steam escape.
Qozon qaynayotgan edi, shuning uchun u bug‘ chiqishi uchun qopqog‘ini oldi.

3. Please close the lid tightly so the food doesn’t spill.
Iltimos, ovqat to‘kilmasligi uchun qopqoqni mahkam yoping.

4. She lifted the lid of the box to see what was inside.
U qutining qopqog‘ini ko‘tarib, ichida nima borligini ko‘rdi.

5. The coffee cup has a plastic lid to keep it warm.
Kofe stakanida uni issiq saqlash uchun plastik qopqoq bor.


🇺🇸 Diaper
🇺🇿 taglik, pampers

1. The baby needs a clean diaper.
Chaqaloqqa toza taglik kerak.

2. She changed the baby's diaper quickly.
U chaqaloqning tagligini tezda almashtirdi.

3. We bought a pack of diapers from the store.
Biz do‘kondan bir qadoq taglik sotib oldik.

4. The baby's diaper was wet, so I had to change it.
Chaqaloqning tagligi ho‘l edi, shuning uchun men uni almashtirishim kerak bo‘ldi.

5. Disposable diapers are convenient for traveling.
Bir martalik tagliklar sayohat uchun qulay.

Day 18


Here are some examples using "rake" as a garden tool:

1. English: I used a rake to gather the fallen leaves in the yard.
Uzbek: Men hovlidagi to'kilgan barglarni yig'ish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandim.

2. English: Please bring the rake so we can level the soil in the garden.
Uzbek: Iltimos, bog'dagi tuproqni tekislash uchun tirgovichni olib keling.

3. English: The rake is in the shed near the shovel.
Uzbek: Tirgovich belkurakning yonida omborda turibdi.

4. English: After planting the seeds, he used a rake to cover them with soil.
Uzbek: U urug'larni ekkanidan keyin ularni tuproq bilan yopish uchun tirgovichdan foydalandi.


🇺🇸 Firecracker
🇺🇿 Paqqildoq

1. The children lit a firecracker and ran away laughing.
Bolalar paqqildoqni yoqib, kulib qochib ketishdi.

2. Be careful when handling firecrackers during the New Year celebrations.
Yangi yil bayramida paqqildoqlardan foydalanishda ehtiyot bo‘ling.

3. The loud noise of the firecracker scared the dog.
Paqqildoqning baland ovozi itni qo‘rqitib yubordi.

4. She has a firecracker personality—always full of energy and excitement.
U paqqildoq kabi xarakterga ega—doimo energiyaga va hayajonga to‘la.

5. Firecrackers are banned in some cities due to safety concerns.
Ba’zi shaharlar xavfsizlik sababli paqqildoqlarni taqiqlagan.


🇺🇸 Pip
🇺🇿 Meva danagi

1. I found a small pip inside the apple.
Men olma ichida kichik bir danak topdim.

2. The orange had too many pips, so I had to remove them.
Apelsinda juda ko‘p danak bor edi, shuning uchun ularni olib tashladim.

3. He accidentally swallowed a cherry pip.
U tasodifan gilos danagini yutib yubordi.

4. Watermelon pips can sometimes be eaten.
Tarvuz danaklari ba’zan yeyish mumkin.

5. She spat out the grape pip after eating the fruit.
U mevaning donini yeb bo‘lgach, uzum danagini tupurdi.


🇺🇸 Tape measure
🇺🇿 lentali o'raladigan lineyka

1. I used a tape measure to check the length of the table.
Men stolning uzunligini tekshirish uchun o'lchov lentasidan foydalandim.

2. He pulled out a tape measure from his toolbox.
U asboblar qutisidan o'lchov lentasini oldi.

3. Can you pass me the tape measure?
Menga o'lchov lentasini berib yubora olasanmi?

4. The carpenter measured the wood with a tape measure.
Duradgor yog‘ochni o‘lchov lentasi bilan o‘lchadi.

5. She bought a new tape measure for sewing.
U tikish uchun yangi o‘lchov lentasini sotib oldi.


🇺🇸 Pliers
🇺🇿 qisqich, ombir

1. I couldn't fix the wire without a pair of pliers.
Men simni ta'mirlay olmadim, chunki menda pensel yo‘q edi.

2. He used pliers to remove the nail from the wooden board.
U mixni yog‘och taxtadan chiqarish uchun penseldan foydalandi.

3. These pliers are too small for cutting thick metal wires.
Bu pensel qalin metall simlarni kesish uchun juda kichik.

4. She grabbed the pliers to tighten the loose bolt.
U bo‘shashgan murvatni mahkamlash uchun penselni oldi.

5. Always keep a set of pliers in your toolbox for emergencies.
Favqulodda holatlar uchun asboblar qutingizda har doim bir juft pensel saqlang.


🇺🇸 Hammer
🇺🇿 Bolg'a

1. He used a hammer to fix the broken chair.
U singan stulni tuzatish uchun bolgʻa ishlatdi.

2. The blacksmith hit the metal with a heavy hammer.
Temirchi ogʻir bolgʻa bilan metallga urdi.

3. I couldn't find my hammer, so I borrowed one from my neighbor.
Men bolgʻamni topa olmadim, shuning uchun qoʻshnimdan birini oldim.

4. The carpenter picked up his hammer and started working.
Duradgor bolgʻasini olib, ish boshladi.

5. He accidentally hit his finger with a hammer.
U tasodifan barmoqlarini bolgʻa bilan urib oldi.


🇺🇸 Syringe
🇺🇿 Shpris

1. The doctor filled the syringe with medicine before giving the injection.
Shifokor ukol qilishdan oldin shpritsni dori bilan to‘ldirdi.

2. He used a syringe to give the baby a dose of liquid medicine.
U shprits yordamida chaqaloqqa suyuq dorini berdi.

3. The nurse carefully disposed of the used syringe in a special container.
Hamshira ishlatilgan shpritsni ehtiyotkorlik bilan maxsus idishga tashladi.

4. Syringes should always be sterile to prevent infections.
Infeksiyalarning oldini olish uchun shpritslar har doim steril bo‘lishi kerak.

5. He accidentally pricked his finger with a syringe needle.
U tasodifan barmoğini shprits ignasi bilan teshdi.

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