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Bye for all followers of mine 😔😕

okey, i decided to delate this channel after 3 month i will open new one with news

Forward from: Umidjon Ishmukhamedov
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Баъзи Корейс ва Ўзбек ёшларини таққослаганимиздаги холат!

Афсуски, ачинарли ҳақиқат!!!


usually i write something when i have willing to do it, but if i had typed all thought of mine, none of you would not read it

hello everyone after long period of gap, i decided to write something for myself, even this channel which i opened for typing some things like writing task or summary of some videos and the like. In general it should improve my writing skills, even it happened, maybe in slight level. i think it was very interesting because before i tried to write very day. but now it is somehow boring, that is why i tent to send videos or things which beneficial for you in my opinion. and i thought that i was going to delate it because i can not waste my time in the messengers. also in that period i lost 3 of subscribers while it has not any kind importance for me.

Forward from: Тезкор хабарлар | Расмий канал
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«Тепада танкам борлиги рост...» -- Расул Кушербаев

👉 @Tezkor24official

Forward from: Mirulug'bek Mirsaidov

When i solve the problems of math😁.

I know, there are many people who don't know own value. Maybe they are not the best doing something or not have unrapideble abilities. However, all of people have some abilities which we are not able to see in every person. In general every people have difference with each other. That is why you are UNIQUE. Take care of yourself, and know own value.

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I don't know what happened with our team 🤣, however they are invincible, when they play on the stadium, and incredible scored the goals.

P.S. in the previous championship our players had won this competition, and also i wish they again win this one.

Forward from: Sirojiddin Boboqulov
They say if you didn't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost. So, every day is a chance to get up, be strong and fight for your dreams. Crazy dreams that you dare to think and realize!

Sirojiddin Boboqulov

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I want to congratulate all people who are interested in football game and fans of Real Madrid. Also i listened after ending the game voice of fireworks 🎆 . In my opinion they also celebrate 14th winning the favourite club.


Guys you know to be honest, couple of years ago when i was younger, i always tryed to do something for overlooking better for people who were around me, it was only a reason which even my goals. Wanted they think that i am the best. And it was crazy. But now i am laughing form yourself who i was in the past. And sometimes i havas qilaman for people who are always in kocada because you know somehow they are free in every time, can do everything with own friends, happy in every time. However all things are vahtinchalik which They do. I know it that's why i try to be far from them. And one words from friend of mine 👆👆👆. And also one word from my teacher seni qoning ularga qoshilmaydi qanca birga yursang ham. It also helps me to be disciplined. And i have blood from 👨‍🦲, most of you almost know it.

Forward from: UZBEKLAND

Aroq ichish, sigaret chekish pullik - namoz oʻqish tekin.

Fohishaga borish pullik - ayoliga borish tekin.

Tuni bilan diskotekada harom ishlar qilib yurish pullik - nafl ibodatlar tekin.

Allohning qudratini qarangki, jahannamga kirishni pullik qilib qoʻygan, Jannatni esa tekin!

Endi pulingizga nima sotib olayotganingizni fikr qilavering!

Uzbekland kanaliga ulanish:
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In the morning, app at 9 a.m. maybe latter i took my IELTS exam's result, it was 6. After that i was happy till 12 a.m, however now i have not sense of happiness or such kind of feelings. Number of people said that it is not the most essential thing for working/ studying in an abroad. It is only one helper to study. Also there are SAT/ TKT/ TESOL which may help to go there. You are able to know it after taking IELTS the most important and popular among test takers.

Somehow, it is perfect 😊. All of your friends family members and others congratulate you with your like me, even all close friends of mine congratulate me as well as yaqin/ uzoq tanishlar except one of them, but i still wait...

Look at the this words, the meaning is very meaningful😁, we are able to know all solutions for our problems is very complex in our mind. And there are variety of topics which suitable for our problem. The key thing is that we should only read it and find our answer.

You know, reading books one the most perfect hobbies, you may know about it after doing it. When i want to explain how it has many benefits, i said one my friend's words ||" ilmni mazasini bilgan biladi, bilmagan ozi biladi"|| this sentence has chuqur mano as you can understand

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