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Prelar, ko'chada qoldirdizlar mani😁. Yodlasalariz bo'lmaydimi shu inshoni.

Discovering my phone's camera at night. Way better than my eyes😅

The table is a breakdown of teachers’ salaries in secondary schools of five countries.

Overall, it is manifest that high school teachers in Luxembourg consistently earn more money in comparison with the others, while the opposite is true for the same educators in Australia. Notably, it takes over 30 years for teachers to reach the maximum salaries in the countries like Luxembourg, Korea, and especially Japan, but takes no more than 10 years in the remaining states – Denmark and Australia.

Starting with the countries where secondary school instructors gained lesser amounts of salary, Australia and Denmark exhibited the lowest figures. The starting point of teachers’ salary in the former accounted for $28 000, which increased by $20 000 within the first 15 years of the work, reaching the maximum point over the very first 9 years. The latter had much more salary to offer in the starting point, at $ 45 000. Further 8 years – the minimum period of time in the chart – was needed for their salaries to hit the peak of $ 54 000.

Moving to the remaining nations, high school mentors in Luxembourg dominated in terms of earning money, with the initial $ 80 000, before going up by almost 50% 15 years later. Unlike the countries mentioned above, it is predicted to take teachers in Luxembourg 30 years to reach the top-level salary of $132 000. Japan, by contrast, offered more than twice as little amount of salary as Luxembourg did when they hired new teachers. This figure, however, almost doubled, reaching $65 000 after one and a half decades, but is supposed to take further 17 years to hit the highest point of $86 000. Eventually, it was Korea that suggested $ 30 000 for newly-recruited high school teachers. After the first 15 years of work, their fees reached a parity with the corresponding figure of Australia, before marking the maximum of $62 000 point 19 years after.

Band Score: 7.5/8.0

The bar chart provides information on the percentage of female school graduates who went into tertiary education in five countries in the years 1980 and 2015.

Overall, the share of female alumni going into further education increased substantially until 2015 in all countries, with the exception of Australia, whose figure stood at a parity in both years. Notably, Australia had the largest share of female university applicants, while the opposite was true for South Korea.

Focusing on the countries where the highest growth was recorded in female applicants, the UK had 35% in 1980, which was followed by a rise of 20% until 2015. This was also the case regarding the USA, with its corresponding rate going up from 37% to 57%. On the other hand, albeit with smaller proportions, South Korea drew a parallel to the previous two countries in terms of growth, as it saw its female school-leavers going into higher education exactly double from 15% to 30%.

Turning to the countries with smaller or little-to-no pattern of change, it was France that experienced a minimal climb, marking a 5-percentage-point change, ending the period up, at 55%. Unlike this, roughly 57% of female school alumni in Australia decided to apply to higher education in 1980, a figure that remained unaltered in the latter year.

Band: 8.0/8.5

But like the sun that sets at the end of the day, so too will Ramadan come and go, leaving only its mark on our heart's sky...

Relatable 😂😂😂

837 0 6 2 105

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"Шоколад есак рўзамиз бузиладими?" 😅

1.8k 0 36 4 105

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Father - a person from or to whom son(s) respect, imitate, fear, and learn most of all. The problem is to be able to set a pattern for your children as an appropriate dad!

The bar chart gives a summary of UN statistics on birth and death rates in Switzerland across the years from 1980 to 2030.

Overall, the number of birth in the country overtook that of death in each year studied, with the exception of 1990. Especially, the gap between the two has widened after the 2010s, as death figures have gone down significantly, a trend which is expected to continue until the end of the period.

Focusing on the first half of the period(1980-2000), 1.2 million people were born initially, compared to 1 million deaths. After a decade, birth rates remained unchanged, but death figures jumped to 1.3 million. The third decade, meanwhile, saw respective rises of 0.5million and 0.2million.

In the latter half of the timeframe, the discrepancy between the fertility and death figures was and is expected to get larger. To be specific, birth rates will reach the chart-high of 3.2 million, while the share of death is going to drop to its lowest point of 0.8 million in the year 2030.


Can't agree more!

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Would be better if you were born dead😂


— Meni o‘qiy olmaydigan, yoza olmaydigan, lekin madrasalar bera olmaydigan ta’limni bergan ayol tarbiya qildi..


— Nonni yerga tashlash insonni ko’r qiladi, deya sunnatni ta’lim berib;
— Otang kelyapti, tur, joy ber, deb ehtiromni ta’lim berib;
— O’zingdan yoshi ulug’ har kimga salom ber, deya hurmatni ta’lim berib;
— Ukang o’zingdan kichkina, uni himoya qilishing kerak, deya izzatni ta’lim berib;
— So’kinish tilga yara chiqaradi, deya axloqni ta’lim berib;
— Yillar mana shunday o’tib ketaverar ekan, sabr qil, to’xtama, deya dunyoni ta’lim berib;
— Ortimizdan tilovat qilib eslaysan, deya oxiratni ta’lim berib;

“Parvardigorim, meni (ular) go’daklik chog’imdan tarbiyalab, o’stirganlaridek, sen ham ularga rahm-shavqat qilgin”.


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