📘 Book 3 | Unit 27
📑 Word list
🟦 acknowledge [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ] v. — tan olmoq
🔻>> If you acknowledge something, you accept that it is true or that it exists. >> Agar siz biror narsani acknowledge qilsangiz, u haqiqat yoki uning mavjudligini qabul qilasiz.
— The teacher acknowledged that the young student was hungry.
— O‘qituvchi yosh o‘quvchining qorni och qolganini tan oldi.
🟦 ambassador [æmˈbæsədər] n. — elchi
🔻>> An ambassador is a government worker who works in another country. >> An ambassador boshqa davlatda ishlaydigan davlat xizmatchisidir.
— The ambassador from Korea was in charge ofthe conference.
— Konferensiyaga Koreyadan kelgan elchi rahbarlik qildi.
🟦 blonde [blɒnd] adj. — mallasoch ayol
🔻>> If someone is a blonde, they have light-colored hair. >> Agar birortasi blonde bo'lsa, u yorqin rangli sochi bor.
— My cousin is different from me. She is a blonde with blue eyes.
— Mening amakivachcham mendan farq qiladi. U koʻk koʻzli sargʻish ayol.
🟦 conquer [kɒŋkər] v. — zabt etmoq, egallab olmoq
🔻>> To conquer a country means to attack and take control of it. >> Mamlakatni conquer qilish, unga hujum qilish va uni nazorat qilish demakdir.
— The soldiers were trying to conquer the world.
— Askarlar dunyoni zabt etishga harakat qilishdi.
🟦 drag [dræg] v. — sudramoq
🔻>> To drag something means to pull it across the ground. >> Biror narsani drag qilish — uni yer boʻylab tortishni anglatadi.
— The dog was dragging his owner down the street.
— It ko'chada egasini sudrab ketayotgan edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 acknowledge [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ] v. — tan olmoq
🔻>> If you acknowledge something, you accept that it is true or that it exists. >> Agar siz biror narsani acknowledge qilsangiz, u haqiqat yoki uning mavjudligini qabul qilasiz.
— The teacher acknowledged that the young student was hungry.
— O‘qituvchi yosh o‘quvchining qorni och qolganini tan oldi.
🟦 ambassador [æmˈbæsədər] n. — elchi
🔻>> An ambassador is a government worker who works in another country. >> An ambassador boshqa davlatda ishlaydigan davlat xizmatchisidir.
— The ambassador from Korea was in charge ofthe conference.
— Konferensiyaga Koreyadan kelgan elchi rahbarlik qildi.
🟦 blonde [blɒnd] adj. — mallasoch ayol
🔻>> If someone is a blonde, they have light-colored hair. >> Agar birortasi blonde bo'lsa, u yorqin rangli sochi bor.
— My cousin is different from me. She is a blonde with blue eyes.
— Mening amakivachcham mendan farq qiladi. U koʻk koʻzli sargʻish ayol.
🟦 conquer [kɒŋkər] v. — zabt etmoq, egallab olmoq
🔻>> To conquer a country means to attack and take control of it. >> Mamlakatni conquer qilish, unga hujum qilish va uni nazorat qilish demakdir.
— The soldiers were trying to conquer the world.
— Askarlar dunyoni zabt etishga harakat qilishdi.
🟦 drag [dræg] v. — sudramoq
🔻>> To drag something means to pull it across the ground. >> Biror narsani drag qilish — uni yer boʻylab tortishni anglatadi.
— The dog was dragging his owner down the street.
— It ko'chada egasini sudrab ketayotgan edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.