Forward from: HUNTME | LOGISTICS 🚛
1 Company name : Ik Express LLC
2 Position : Dispatch
3 Required experience : 2years
4 Requirements for candidates : Excellent knowledge of DAT,
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
5 Expected Salary: up to 2%
6 Office Location: Tashkent, Pushkin metro
7 Contacts : @simon_5969
👉 @HUNTME_LOGISTICS - Best vacancy channel 📌
2 Position : Dispatch
3 Required experience : 2years
4 Requirements for candidates : Excellent knowledge of DAT,
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
5 Expected Salary: up to 2%
6 Office Location: Tashkent, Pushkin metro
7 Contacts : @simon_5969
👉 @HUNTME_LOGISTICS - Best vacancy channel 📌