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👍 Digital Startup Week 2024 boshlanmoqda!
2024-yilning 2-dekabrdan 7-dekabrgacha biz innovatsiya, hamkorlik va yangi startaplarning hayratlanarli ishga tushirilishlarini nishonlaymiz.
Ushbu muhim hafta “IT Park Ventures and Digital Startup Program” loyihalarining taqdimoti bo'lib, O'zbekistonning startap va venchur ekotizimi uchun yangi davrni boshlab beradi.
🚀 Tadbir davomida “GameDev HQ Academy” rasmiy ravishda ochiladi, bu O'zbekistonni mintaqaviy o'yin ishlab chiqish va kreativ texnologiyalar markaziga aylantiradi.
🐦 Shuningdek, “Presidental Tech Award“ oxirgi bosqichining guvohi bo'ling! 15 finalchi xalqaro hakamlar hay'ati oldida o'z loyihalarini taqdim etadi. Tadbir davomida interaktiv seminarlar, butkemplar va “Venture & Startup Hall” ham bo'lib o'tadi.
🕸 Kelajakni birga yaratamiz – ro'yxatdan o'ting, havola orqali qo'shiling!
👍 Digital Startup Week 2024 is here!
Join us from December 2 to December 7, 2024, as we celebrate 6 days of innovation, collaboration, and groundbreaking launches.
This transformative week will feature the debut of IT Park Ventures and the Digital Startup Program, marking a new era for Uzbekistan's startup and venture ecosystem.
🚀 The event also highlights the official inauguration of the GameDev HQ Academy, solidifying Uzbekistan as a regional hub for game development and creative technology.
🐦 Don’t miss the grand finale of the President Tech Award, where 15 finalists will pitch to an international jury, alongside interactive workshops, bootcamps, and the Venture & Startup Hall.
🕸 Join us as we’re shaping the future – register using the link
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2024-yilning 2-dekabrdan 7-dekabrgacha biz innovatsiya, hamkorlik va yangi startaplarning hayratlanarli ishga tushirilishlarini nishonlaymiz.
Ushbu muhim hafta “IT Park Ventures and Digital Startup Program” loyihalarining taqdimoti bo'lib, O'zbekistonning startap va venchur ekotizimi uchun yangi davrni boshlab beradi.
🚀 Tadbir davomida “GameDev HQ Academy” rasmiy ravishda ochiladi, bu O'zbekistonni mintaqaviy o'yin ishlab chiqish va kreativ texnologiyalar markaziga aylantiradi.
🐦 Shuningdek, “Presidental Tech Award“ oxirgi bosqichining guvohi bo'ling! 15 finalchi xalqaro hakamlar hay'ati oldida o'z loyihalarini taqdim etadi. Tadbir davomida interaktiv seminarlar, butkemplar va “Venture & Startup Hall” ham bo'lib o'tadi.
🕸 Kelajakni birga yaratamiz – ro'yxatdan o'ting, havola orqali qo'shiling!
👍 Digital Startup Week 2024 is here!
Join us from December 2 to December 7, 2024, as we celebrate 6 days of innovation, collaboration, and groundbreaking launches.
This transformative week will feature the debut of IT Park Ventures and the Digital Startup Program, marking a new era for Uzbekistan's startup and venture ecosystem.
🚀 The event also highlights the official inauguration of the GameDev HQ Academy, solidifying Uzbekistan as a regional hub for game development and creative technology.
🐦 Don’t miss the grand finale of the President Tech Award, where 15 finalists will pitch to an international jury, alongside interactive workshops, bootcamps, and the Venture & Startup Hall.
🕸 Join us as we’re shaping the future – register using the link
📩Telegram 📱Facebook 📱 Instagram 📺Youtube 🌐 LinkedIn 🐦 X